Magna Carta Day

Every year on June 15, a memorable date is celebrated – Magna Carta Day. Because it was on this day in the distant year 1215 that the King of England named John the Landless approved the first English legal document, which established basic human rights.

Magna Carta

Later, on the basis of this document, which is also called the Magna Carta, the constitution of Great Britain was written. The Magna Carta contributed to the formation of English parliamentarism and the development of Western civilization as a whole.

The Magna Carta contains 63 articles that declare the freedom of the church, the inviolability and freedom of the person, the right to private property, the granting of privileges to feudal lords, knights, merchants, etc., the need for legal actions of the king, and others.

Since 2009, the Magna Carta has been included in the UNESCO Memory of the World register.

Magna Carta Day


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