Gratitude is one of the greatest things in the life of society. It is obligatory to feel gratitude to all kinds of good. People can be thankful to everybody who gives love and good attitude, to every thing which helps a person to live and feel well. There is a special day in the calendar during which the society expresses its gratitude. Everybody can choose the subject to say thanks to it. It may be a real person or a thing. According to the chosen subject, the traditions of observance vary greatly too. When is World Gratitude Day in 2024? What is a usual way of observing the occasion?


The occasion has an official strict date which was decided to observe on the governmental level. The idea was accepted during the international meeting which took place in Hawaii. The occasion was initiated in 1965. It wasn’t an occasional idea. The event was proposed to be set during the dinner devoted to Thanksgiving Day.

The proposition was given by a man who was a guru in meditation. He also had a position of the director of the Meditation Group which worked for the United Nations. He proposed to initiate the event which could become a worldwide holiday. He was Sri Chinmoy.

World Gratitude Day

There was an observation that the majority of men and women don’t have time and willing to express thanks to other people and things which help them to become happier and more successful. It was decided to make the only day in the calendar when the society could try to be thankful for the good in their lives.

It wasn’t to become the official governmental celebration. It could be only a good will of everybody. Nevertheless, citizens from many countries liked the idea. It was soon accepted by the majority of people. Every person can find the subject to give thanks to it. It may be a colleague, a teacher, a parent or a child.

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Sri Chinmoy was given an award for his contribution into the world peace. It happened in 1977 on the 21st of September. This date was chosen for this occasion then. When you ask friends “What day National Gratitude Day in 2024?”, you’ll get the answer “on the 21st of September”.


What does Gratitude Day mean for the society? The day carries a great meaning in itself. The feeling of appreciation is a great expression of one’s attitude to a person or thing which provided the benefit. World religions are built on this feeling. Many philosophers insist on the great role of thankfulness in the people’s life. It is considered to have an ability of renewing the society and ordinary people’s thoughts and feelings.

Scientists noticed that even shops where customers were thanked for a purchase had bigger benefit than others. It’s said to strengthen the people’s self-assurance. Another researches show that waiters get more tips when they express thankfulness on the checks.

Cicero named gratitude as the most important virtue on the Earth. He insisted at the direct connection of thankfulness and wellbeing. It concerns ordinary people and the society in a whole.

The day itself carries a great importance of being thankful to the society. Every person has to understand the role of good thoughts in his own life and its impact over other people’s being. The occasion was made to remind the society the possibility to be involved in good deeds. The reflection of blessings can have a positive impact on our relations with other people and our attitude to the surrounding. According to the researches, the majority of people feel happiness and relaxation when they hear the words of gratitude or say them. When is International Gratitude Day 2024? It’s on the 21st of September.

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This word must be so important in the society’s life that it has got lots of synonyms. A person can be grateful, appreciative and thankful. These words carry the same kind meaning. The word “gratitude” appeared in the beginning of the 15th century. The origin of the word should be found in Latin. The first meaning of the word was the same.

A man who feels appreciation to another person or subject has a strong sense of telling thanks for the kindness, benefit or other good possibilities. The feeling is so strong that sometimes there’s no need to say the grateful words.

The event is so obvious that people all over the world may participate in it. There’s no need to explain the definition, because the word has got translations in many countries. Everyone understands the term. The event gives an opportunity to express thankfulness not only to dear relatives but also to nature, animals and other things which let the person feel happiness and love. The amount of thanks is not restricted. A person can be grateful for a concrete situation and the general kindness.

What is the date of World Gratitude Day 2024? The occasion is celebrated on the 21st of September.


People should be grateful for their lives and being. The feeling can be a good habit. It has to be a demand for you to create good attitudes and actions in daily and habitual situations. The next stage can be an everyday feeling of good and appreciation. If there is such a habit in your life, you can see much good around you. Everybody can choose his own way of life.

World Gratitude Day

There are several ways to create a positive situation on the day. The first people who can feel appreciation are parents. The best way to do this deed is to find differences in dear people and the reasons of love and appreciation to these unsimilar characteristics. Each relative gives us something special which makes us stronger and happier. Parents, spouses and children give lots of support and love. There is a chance to say “Thanks” to them.

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Not only people give good but also domestic animals. They are always faithful friends. They don’t pay attention to bad mood and always feel love to their owners. It is a great chance to show grateful attitude to them.

The internet gives the society a special chance to share positive feelings and thought with other people. They can get special thankful words and pass them to other people. It is a chance to express gratitude to online friends.

People can be grateful to their surrounding: a shop-assistant in a department store nearby, a postman, a doctor who always helps the family members to recover and other people.

The occasion is a great chance to express love, support and gratitude to yourself. Give appreciation to your own strong features and characteristics. Be thankful for everything good and successful in your own life.

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World Gratitude Day Facts

  • According to the dictionaries, gratitude is expressed through readiness to make appreciative actions.
  • Nowadays “Positive Psychology” develops. It’s a new approach in this science. It teaches the society to express positiveness.
  • The result of the public’s ingratitude can be separated lives and soles. All the people need is to feel appreciation to each other.
  • According to the statistics, people who often say “thanks” live a happy life.
  • There is a strong connection of appreciation and health. Nervous system doesn’t have many problems if a person is happy.
  • Thanksgiving Day has similar sense with World Gratitude Day.


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