Домой World Day of reconciliation kiss

Day of reconciliation kiss


Day of reconciliation kiss

Every year on August 25, the planet celebrates Day of reconciliation kiss or National Kiss and Make Up Day. The founder of this day, similar to the Day of National Reconciliation, which is held on April 2, is the American Jacqueline Millgate.

Why is this day important?

National Kiss and Make Up Day is a good reason to end quarrels, improve relationships, and correct mistakes. Family, friends, loved ones, colleagues — no one can avoid some quarrels. This August day gives everyone the opportunity to «pull their heads out of the sand», kiss and reconcile.

  • It is a well-known fact that kissing prolongs life, strengthens the immune system and helps burn calories.

The first mentions of kissing appeared in ancient writings dating back to 1500 BC. They were the first to be reported by people who used to live in the territory of modern India — in those days, rubbing noses was considered a kiss in this area. Later, thanks to the soldiers of Alexander the Great, kissing went beyond the borders of India and became a world phenomenon.

Why a kiss?

Reconciliation with kisses is a successful and pleasant option. Many lovers believe that for the sake of kisses you can quarrel a little, and for some kisses are an integral part of quarrels.

Day of reconciliation kiss


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