World Food Day

On October 16, 1945, the UN General Assembly established the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Its main task is to rid the world of hunger by highlighting the problems of agricultural development, which can improve the situation of vulnerable sections of the population.

In order to spread information about the world food crisis and strengthen the unity of the international community in the fight against it, in 1979, FAO proposed the idea of ​​establishing World Food Day, which was decided to be celebrated annually on the day of the foundation of the organization – October 16.

It is interesting to know what

  • More than 130 countries are under the auspices of the international organization, which includes 194 member states.
  • Lack of food resources as a result of economic decline, political conflicts and climate change leads to an increase in the scale of hunger.
  • FAO develops programs that contribute to increasing the level of food security, which ensures the provision of assistance to regions on the brink of famine.
  • According to the UN, about 700 million people (9%) of the world’s population live in poverty and hunger every day, and 2 billion suffer from insufficient nutrition.
  • About 380 million hungry people live in Asia, and a quarter of a billion people suffer from poverty in Africa.
  • As a result of irregular and substandard nutrition, more than 140 million children lag behind in their development in the first five years, of which 3/4 of the children live in the southern regions of Asia and Africa.


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