People across the world annually celebrate Fair Trade Day. The event was founded many years ago. It became a reflection of trading system in the whole world. The main goal of the occasion is to educate people in their own communities. When is Fair Trade Day in 2025? What are the most interesting facts of the event?

The backgrounds of the occasion

The day isn’t annually set on the same date. Fair Trade Day is always observed in May, on the 2nd Saturday. In 2025 the day’s on the 9th of May. The day is common for all the world communities without any exception. Every year all trading communities, volunteer organizations join to commemorate this date.

Its history goes back to 2004. It was made by WFTO, the World Fair Trade Organization. This group was formed 15 years before that. It was a great impressive organization which included more than 320 world groups, companies. It included participants from 70 countries.

Fair Trade Day 2017

Fair Trade Day is observed not to stand apart from exploitation and poverty. It always contributes to struggle against the crisis in the world’s economy. The WFTO has made a great contribution to the development of the most remote regions and their populations.

The main goals of the Fair Trade Organization were:

  • to create chances for developing of the organizations with economical problems;
  • to make all organizations accountable and transparent;
  • to develop practices of fair trade concepts;
  • to involve trading groups into environment respecting;
  • to provide fair trading relations;
  • to advertize Fair Trade Day;
  • to promote prohibiting forced and child labour;
  • to involve groups in fair payment;
  • to ensure good conditions of working.

The World Fair Trade Organization claims that the economic crisis around the world was caused by unfair deeds in production and trade. The growth of Fair Trading across the world has been made by all trading groups and producers. The right of celebrating of this day belongs to every representative of trading sphere. The best way to get the information about the day is to ask the internet community “What day Fair Trade Day in 2025?”

Main facts about the Fair Trade Organization

The WFTO helps countries with economical problems to develop conditions for farming and trading. The participants of the world organization always ensure the authorities to create better platforms for labour people, to promote better prices and payments. They are to improve the standards of social life.

The organization mainly takes into account main exporting products and goods which pretend to be the main symbol of each country. The most notable products which are referenced to during Fair Trade Day are cocoa, coffee, sugar, gold and handicrafts and others.

The World Fair Trade Organization promotes equal rights of different developing countries in making trading contracts. They try to persuade rich companies to support workers from poor countries, to give them higher payment and better guarantees.

The aims of fair trade are:

  • to unite consumers;
  • to distribute wealth between countries;
  • to express charity to poor workers from the developing countries;
  • to help and promote the development of poor and remote countries.

There’s a majority of participants of the WFTO. In the United Kingdom more than 500 cities, mostly 120 universities, several thousand schools and churches are involved into the Fair Trade program. Almost 2 million farmers across the world participate in the program of the movement.

What is the day of World Fair Trade Day 2025? It’s annually held in May, on the 2nd Saturday. In 2025 it’s on May, 9. This day lots of trading organizations are to make special events and celebrations. National products and goods are to be commemorated in every country.

The ways of celebration

The day is always observed according to the traditions of local artisans and producers. They make their own events and initiate different contracts on the day. Countries and cities involve various art and food festivals. They are not just a holiday. The producers always tend to advertize their products and deeds on the day not only in their own community and country but always across the world.

Fair Trade Day

Consumers also can use the traditional concepts of Fair Trade Day. They can visit the fair places and buy the variety of proposed products of different producers. Another thing can be understood during the day. People can get the knowledge how their favourite products are made, what great effort is made by ordinary people to get food or other things.

The volunteer organizations, universities and schools raise awareness of children and youth to the weal of the whole country. They learn the process of production and exporting. Brazil and Ecuador pay great attention to the development of coffee industry. India advertizes its tea and cloths. When is National Fair Trade Day 2025? It’s always on the 2nd Saturday of May. Great companies try to give support to companies that feel the temporary need. Every country takes part in the observance.

India proposes Fair Trade Week

Indian authorities try to participate in the events concerning trading concepts in a full way. They want to develop their economy through exporting national products and goods. India has a great range of companies which produce different kinds of products and goods, beginning from spices to famous Indian cloth.

There’s a need to make not only a day of Fair Trade, but also a whole week. It’s always co-organized by Indian trading companies. There’s a tradition of cooperation of different levels of trading representatives, beginning from companies which specialize on resource gathering or producing to export companies and resellers. The event takes place every 2 years.

The conference is traditionally held in New Delhi. In 2025 it’s the 14th conference. The participants of the meeting are companies which provide organic products. The whole amount of participants is 250. Society representatives, students, promoters, business representatives and other people and organizations are expected to take part in the Fair Trade Week. The organizers propose different workshops and demonstrations for festival’s guests and participants. If you want to become a participant of the week, you should write a request “When is Last Day of Fair Trade in 2025, calendar of events”. In 2025 the week is set on 9-13 November.


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