Day off gadgets

Every year on the first Friday of March, the whole world celebrates an interesting unofficial holiday – Day off gadgets. The event originated in the USA, but later took root in many countries. New Zealand celebrates on March 6.

The Day of Excluded Gadgets aims to draw the attention of humanity to dependence on technology and its negative impact, to engage in a one-day vacation outside the virtual world that steals real life.

This day is a great opportunity to spend time with your family, do sports, take a walk in the fresh air, pay attention to yourself, and finally consider how much your relationship with gadgets prevents you from living a full and vibrant life.

It is quite possible that by turning off your smartphone for a day, you will suddenly find time to finish reading a long-forgotten book or learn how to cook pasta. Every person sometimes needs to be in his own thoughts, and not near the screen, which gives a seductive virtual illusion of happiness.

Day off gadgets
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