When is National Women’s Equality Day in 2024? Have you heard about the existence of this special occasion in the modern calendar? Well, to tell you the truth we hardly believe in it. As a rule, the most part of contemporary men and women doesn’t know about the event. We find the holiday to be an important one, so today we are going to represent it in details. Would you like to join?


Talking about the matter what day Women’s Equality Day in 2024 is, we can’t but mention the historical background of the event. Usually we do it for almost every occasion represented here. However, this one is rather special indeed. All in all it has a long past.

The struggle for women’s equality on the scale of world history is quite young. Before it began, for centuries, or even for millennia, women’s rights could be described very briefly and succinctly: ladies had no rights. Even women from the privileged classes, aristocrats and wealthy bourgeois women did not have the basic rights that any citizen of any civilized country enjoys today.

By the middle of the 19th century, in enlightened European monarchies, women did not have the right to higher education, practically had no chance to dissolve a marriage on their own initiative, could not dispose of funds at their own discretion and, of course, could not elect and be elected to government bodies.

Only in the second half of the 19th century, with a creak and desperate resistance, universities began to let female students to enter. By a surprising coincidence, this is about the same historical period when, after the Civil War of the North and South, slavery was abolished in the United States, and serfdom was abolished in Russia. It was at this moment, when humanity finally recognized that slave labor is ineffective and a free person is more useful to society than a slave, that women for the first time in history had the chance to become a doctor or mathematician.

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What does Women’s Equality Day mean? Well, are you really sure that we can answer this question instead of you? It is only up to you to decide whether to celebrate a holiday or to forget completely about its existence.

Among the representatives of the modern society there are a lot of those men and women, who do not understand what the problem is, so they are not probably going to celebrate. As a rule, these people can be divided into some categories. The first one involves those, who live in the developed countries, where ladies have almost the same rights as men without any restrictions. However, on definite territories the women are still in constant danger.

Following the statistics, in many corners of the planet, women’s rights are still violated, and the problem of gender equality itself is ignored. In practice, the degree of infringement on the rights and freedoms of women differs from country to country. But even in Europe, compliance with the principle of gender equality, enshrined in the constitutions of EU member states, is still a problem. In particular, it is on women that the burden of raising children and maintaining the household falls to a greater extent. There is still a difference in wages between men and women. The proportion of women in the management of European companies and institutions is lower than that of men, and globally it is negligible: only three percent of the 500 largest companies are headed by women. Physical violence against women, including in the family, also remains a global problem.


The question “When is International Women’s Equality Day 2024?” involves a lot of amazing pieces of information.

Initially it should be mentioned that the global equality, appeared between women and men as well as the elimination of all forms of discrimination without any exceptions are enumerated in terms of rights and values regulated and controlled by United Nations. Meanwhile, ladies around the world suffer from violations during their lives. Unfortunately, the realization of these rights is not often considered a priority.

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Equality for both sexes can only be achieved by fully understanding how female discrimination and inequality is manifested in practice and by developing appropriate anti-discrimination strategies on this basis.

The UNO has an impressive history of human rights for women.  Significant changes have been done in recent decades. They ensure the rights of them around the planet. A number of important issues, however, have not yet been resolved, and the reality that women face continues to change, demonstrating more and more forms of discrimination against them. In addition, some categories are discriminated against on other grounds, including age, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, health and marital status, education, disability and socioeconomic status.

This combination of different types of discrimination is necessary to take into account when developing solutions and measures aimed at combating discrimination against women.


When is Women’s Equality Day in 2024, calendar will surely remind you. The special occasion is held all around the planet on August 26th annually. So you are free to join any moment you would like to do it.

So what needs to be changed in the public mind to make women feel more protected? According to modern experts, there are several areas of work.

  1. An anti-discrimination and gender-sensitive approach in the education of teachers and children. These points are very important for the formation of equality and respect.
  2. Presumption of trust in victims of violence: support, protection, legal and psychological assistance.
  3. Instant response to sexism and discrimination against both women and men, especially if it comes from managers.
  4. A restraining order that allows a woman and child to stay in their home and be protected from the abuser.
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Try to devote this date to discovering something new. This matter is much wider than it may seem at the first sight. There are no any rules and regulations for its celebration. However, there are some organizations, which are glad to create seminars, lectures and meetings. You may join them if you like.

National Women’s Equality Day Facts

The question “What is the date of Women’s Equality Day?” has been already discussed and our followers have received the answer. However, here we should mention one more important direction. There are some countries, where the laws work against woman.

  • No abortion

In five countries of the world (Malta, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Vatican), abortion is prohibited, regardless of any circumstances, even if it concerns the risks to the mother’s health or if a woman becomes pregnant as a result of violence or incest.

  • Vulnerability

A 2015 World Bank report showed a horrifying figure: there are no mechanisms to protect victims of domestic violence in 46 countries around the world. What’s more, according to last year’s Equality Now report, violence against a woman by her spouse is considered perfectly legal in at least ten countries around the world. These countries include Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Oman, Lesotho, Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

  • Work permit

According to a World Bank study, in a number of countries a woman needs her husband’s permission if she wants to get a job. Such laws are in force in Bahrain, Congo, Guinea, Qatar, Sudan, Mauritania, etc.


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