When is National Rabies Day in 2025? โ€“ Well, to tell you the truth, we donโ€™t even expect that you are going to give the proper answer to this question. In the 21st century people hear about this terrible disease not as often as it was, for example, two or three centuries before. However, we find this medical direction to be a very important one and this is the main explanation, why we are planning to investigate it today. Would you like to join?


Talking about the matter what day Rabies Day in 2025 is we can’t but mention the historical background of the event. Frankly speaking, the holiday is considered to be relatively young. It was established on the initiative of the Global Alliance for Rabies Control. Since 2007 it has been celebrated actively on September 28. The main support, both informational and financial, is provided by numerous health care organizations.

Here we canโ€™t but mention that although rabies was first described as early as the 1st century BC by the Roman Cornelius Celsus, almost 2000 years it was considered to be relatively known to people all around our planet.

The first, but at the same time very important step towards this illness prevention was taken by the ingenious French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. He began developing a vaccine against this disease in 1880, after he had to observe the agony of a five-year-old girl bitten by a dog.

However, only in 1903, eight years after the death of Pasteur, the French doctor Pierre Remlenges established that rabies could be caused by a submicroscopic form of life, which is called a filtered virus.

Nevertheless, even without this information Pasteur chose a workaround in order to make a vaccine. He found the container of “poison” and turned it into an antidote. It was reliably known that something transmitted from a sick animal to another animal or person along with infected saliva affected the nervous system. During the experiments, it was found that the disease had a very long incubation period, but that fact only spurred Pasteur and his colleagues, since it meant that physicians had the opportunity to influence the slowly developing pathological process – the โ€œpoisonโ€ had to get to the spinal cord through the peripheral nerves , and then the brain.


What does Rabies Day mean? โ€“ Here is the question, which may be answered by every person individually. You see, we donโ€™t know you for sure, so we are not able even to predict your personal attitude to this direction.

The specialists are sure that this disease is in the list of the neglected diseases, typical for the tropical climate. Up to the present moment it affects mostly the poor and vulnerable parts of the global population, who are living in the distant rural areas. However, fortunately, the situation is not the fatal one. There have been very effective vaccines and immunoglobulins for people. But the case is that all these helpful remedies are not always available for those, who are really in need. The truth is that deaths from it are rarely reflected in official records.

Victims are often children aged 5 to 14 years. The average cost of a remedy course can be $ 40 on the African territory and $ 49 on the Asian one. The sum is really huge for those, whose daily income averages $ 1-2 per one person.


The answer to the question โ€œWhen is World Rabies Day 2025?โ€ seems to be rather simple. However, it is only at the first sight, as it contains a great amount of hidden facts.

Rabies is considered to be an infectious and viral disease. Unfortunately, even today after the appearance of definite clinical symptoms, rabies is believed to be almost always fatal. In accordance with the specialists’ points of view, in almost 99% of contemporary cases humans get it from domestic dogs. Under certain conditions, both domestic and wild animals can be affected. People become ill through saliva, as well as through bites or scratches.

Up to the present moment this disease can be found on all continents. Antarctica is the only exception. From the scientific point of view, 95% of all deaths occur in such regions as Asia and Africa. It may have some explanations. โ€“ First of all, the lack of the information should be mentioned, however, sometimes even knowing about the danger people in these region are not able to vaccinate because of the lack of money.


When is Rabies Day in 2025, calendar will surely remind you. As a rule, there are no difficulties with this matter. Are you going to be involved? โ€“ Well, under these conditions the only thing you have to do is to remember the date when the special occasion is kept worldwide. It will happen as usually on September 28th.

As you perhaps understand there are no any particular events organized on the state level, however, the local authorities often try to explain the citizens the symptoms as well as the consequences of this disease. This kind of propaganda is considered to be rather important especially in the distant regions, where it is sometimes rather difficult to get the professional medical treatment.

This day the specialized organizations try to inform the people about this direction as much as possible. As a rule, they make the special classes, both for children and for adults. During them their representatives usually talk about the dog behavior and about the ways to prevent their bites. In accordance with their points of view, everybody should know about the specialized vaccination program, which is considered to be rather essential even in the modern world, when the people live not so close to nature as it was some centuries before.

They are sure that only under these conditions, it is possible to reduce both the incidence and the expenses for the dog bites treatment. The process of raising awareness about this illness prevention as well as its control in various communities is represented by educating and disseminating information given to responsible pet owner, prevention and immediate post-bite care.

World Rabies Day Facts

Investigating the question โ€œWhat is the date of Rabies Day in 2025?โ€ we came to the conclusion that our followers would like to know something really amazing about this theme. So today we are going to introduce you the list of the most interesting pieces of information devoted to this direction.

  • Up to the present moment it is considered to be a vaccine-preventable illness of a viral type. The latest data shows that it can be met in about 150 states of the planet. Unfortunately, a great amount of cases has a fatal outcome.
  • The most typical source of the infection is represented by dogs. In 99% they transmit the infection to people.
  • By the specialists’ points of view, the problem may be solved by the mass dogs’ vaccination. Certainly at the same time any bites should be prevented.
  • The infection causes some thousands of the human deaths annually. Mainly it happens on the territories of Asian and African parts of the planet.
  • The statistics shows that about 40% of those men and women, who are bitten by infected animals, are represented by children under 15 years old.
  • The contemporary specialists recommend to wash the wounded place with soap and water immediately after contact with an allegedly infected animal. As a rule, it may play an essential role and in the most cases may save life.


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