Contemporary people prefer to have a lot of pets at their homes. Some of them prefer exotic creatures, like spiders, iguanas or snakes, others like more common living beings such as dogs, cats or a gold fish. But are you able to answer to the question “When is World Cat Day in 2024?” immediately? Unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to give a proper reply even after a serious thinking. You see, in general we haven’t used to celebrate these kinds of holidays and they are not the public ones, of course.

However, now we are going to discuss this event in details. Why? – The matter is that we consider cats to one of the most beautiful animals on the planet.


The discovering of the historic background is important in proper answering of any question and “When is World Cat Day 2024?” is not an exception.

At the very beginning we can’t but mention that in fact this holiday has quite a spontaneous origin. The matter is that the love for cats in the whole world was so great that their owners simply could not do without a special holiday for their pets.

World Cat Day

As a result, every year on August 8 in the USA World Cat Day is kept. It brings together millions of owners of these animals around the planet.

As it has been mentioned above the tradition of celebrating this day arose spontaneously, and although the World Cat Festival has not been officially approved anywhere, it does not prevent lovers of these animals from honoring their pets.

The popularity of the holiday is due primarily to the fact that cats have always been and remain the most popular pets around the world: about 80% of all inhabitants of the Earth hold a pet, and more than half of them gave their preference to cats.

To honor these animals on August 8 every owner agrees with pleasure, and as a result, the World Cat Day was declared a holiday of gratitude to these unique animals, which on this day are of special value.


What does World Cat Day? – As it has been already mentioned above, this special occasion is kept annually on August 8. It was established at the initiative of the famous organization called International Animal Welfare Fund. Organizing this day, creators were going to attract much attention to the homeless animal matters. Up to the present moment this special occasion unites millions of cat owners all around the planet.

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In addition to the “aesthetic pleasure”, cats are able to perform a number of useful functions for a person. They excellently destroy rodents, treat certain diseases and even prolong the life of their master, as it has been proved by contemporary scientists. So, American doctors have found that the owners of cats are 40% less likely to suffer from heart diseases, and they have less frequent heart attacks and strokes. And English doctors have developed even a whole “cat-therapy”, with the help of which they offer to treat a number of diseases, in particular – joint inflammations and gynecological diseases.


After all, there are few people in the world who remain indifferent to these fluffy, affectionate and very intelligent animals. Believe you or not but there is even the specialized science devoted to these pets. It has a special name and is called felinology, which comes from the Latin word “felinus” meaning “a cat” and Greek “science” sounded like “logos”, mentioning that cats are very clever and useful. Sometimes it is even difficult to believe that the domestic cat is a representative of the relatively large cat family, which includes 2 subfamilies, 4 genera as well as about 36 species.

The answer to the question “What is the date of World Cat Day 2024?” is also popular because of another interesting reason. We can’t but mention that cats often become heroes of fairy tales, epics, cartoons, etc. Many people in the world have many beliefs and acceptances associated with cats. The most common are that cats live several lives, and can also intuitively determine the intentions of people coming into the house and feel bad guests.


When is World at Day in 2024, calendar will always help you to remember, but do you know how to celebrate and to spend August 8 properly?

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As a rule, contemporary Americans devote this day only to homeless cats. When this holiday is kept in the United States, charity events are held throughout the country in the shelters support. In popular newspapers and social networks organizers place various invitations for everyone who wants to have a beloved pet at home. Families come to the cat’s houses in order to choose a new family member. Sometimes they help physically, for example, by cleaning the territory or painting the barriers, or materially, collecting funds for feed, sterilization, treatment, etc. By the way, this is an official annual event at the state level.

World Cat Day

In their turn most Japanese, especially those, who are living in large cities, can not afford to have a pet at home. Unfortunately, in this country, the tax on the animal maintenance is one of the highest in the world. And it is completely prohibited to keep dogs or cats in apartment houses. So when the Japanese think, what day World Cat Day in 2024 is, they will give each other statuettes of a mane or visit a famous cat’s cafe or Tashiro Island. The entrance to this place costs about seven dollars. For this money the family gets the opportunity to communicate with the cat for an hour. Tashiro Island with an area of ​​about three square kilometers is a place of pilgrimage for all cat lovers in Japan. Here there is a fishing village, a cat’s temple and, of course, a huge number of sophisticated creatures. By the way, the statuettes of the maneki-neko are considered to be a talisman, which is able attract luck, health and material well-being to all the owners.

World Cat Day Facts

The cat’s holiday in Poland can not be called a universal one, but the originality of the idea deserves our attention. The action takes place on the streets of the city, where the lovers usually gather. Their main goal is to have fun from the heart! Adults and children imitate cats, throw huge woolen balls into each other, meow in the crowd and create a positive chaos around.

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In various countries this holiday is celebrated by the cat owners in a different way. Of course, most of all these pets are honored all over Europe, especially in the UK. This isn’t surprising, as in England one cat is able to save at least 10 tons of grain per year. When this special day comes, animals that are “in the service of the state” are encouraged in every way. It is mainly done with the help of the best cat delicacies. In addition, they are even given special “uniform” and comfortable houses.

If you are going to Austria at this date, you will understand that there has been established a special prize in honor of the World Cat Day. Every cat, who has guarded warehouses from mouse attacks, is entitled to a lifetime pension, which is represented by milk, some soup and meat.

In China it is not celebrated everywhere, but the Chinese have decided to take these pets under their special protection at the legislative level. Earlier in this country cats were unfortunately often eaten, but nowadays everyone, who dares to do it, will get a great fine or even imprisonment for 15 days.

We should also mention these home pets are “congratulated” by creating all the best for their particular comfort. In various parts of the modern world there are special parks for walking cats as well as the special shops, representing the whole collections of clothes for cats, including the models from the most famous designers. Contemporary manufacturers produce special toys for their training, cat cafes and hotels, where you can temporarily settle a pet with great comfort.


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