When is International Menโ€™s Day in 2024? Thatโ€™s the subject which is considered to be rather popular nowadays. And at the same time not everybody is able to answer it properly.

That’s the reason, why we’ve made a decision to investigate everything in details.


Certainly, it is almost impossible to explain what day National Menโ€™s Day in 2024 is, without the proper investigation of the historical past of this holiday.

Initially, we’d like to mention that the spending dedicated to all gentlemen is relatively young. This year it’ll turn 15 years old.

The first people, who wanted to hold this notable date, were the locals of the small territories under the name Trinidad and Tobago. This island country is located in the southern water area somewhere in the Caribbean Sea, and it’s called so by the name of two large land areas, and are, in fact, the country itself.

Real men

It’s interesting to inform that the idea of creating the International Men’s Day belonged to Dr. Jerome Tiluxingh, who worked at the university.

The enthusiastic initiator explained his intention to please the gentlemen of the planet with a simple desire to restore justice. In his opinion, men should have the opportunity to celebrate their memorable date once a year, like women, regardless of their age and occupation.

Jerome Tiluxingh noted that the existing Father’s Day focuses exclusively on the representatives of the stronger sex, who have already had children, not taking into account the interests of other categories.

The establisher also proposed the date of the International Men’s Day: 11/19. That was the day, when his father celebrates his birthday.


What does National Men’s Day mean? To tell you the truth, this holiday has a double meaning. In addition to the mentioned above, on 11/19 the local football team acquired a level of unity, whose tasks involve the suppression of all kinds of disagreements on religious, ethnic as well as gender grounds.

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The idea of celebrating a specific date was picked up in other states of the Caribbean, as well as in countries of Asia, Europe, Australia and North America.

Today, the International Men’s Day is also celebrated in Norway, Great Britain, Uzbekistan, Singapore, Zimbabwe and other territories.

There is also a curious fact: about the necessity to create an International Men’s Day was launched talking back in the 60’s of last century. The proposal immediately met the approval of the public. So, in the USA, in the beginning of 90’s, several events took place with the filing of Thomas Oaspere, the well-known head of the Missouri-Kansas Center for Male Studies.

In 4 years a new date was even noted, but a year later everything stopped. Countries one after another refused to hold the International Men’s Day. Only Malta remained faithful to this tradition until 2009, and from that moment began to celebrate this date together with everyone – on November 19.


Trying to demonstrate the proper reply to โ€œWhen is International Menโ€™s Day 2024?โ€ we want to tell you some important facts about this date.

The holiday, established in honor of the stronger sex, is primarily intended to draw the attention of the public to the existence of problems of gender discrimination of gentlemen in the family regarding their role in the upbringing of children and relations with the spouse. This is the main, but not the only, aim of the events held on 11/19.

Among the others are:

  • Promotion of male significance in various life spheres, regardless of social status, type of activity;
  • Evaluation of the positive, productive contribution of men to development and support at the proper level of the family in particular and society as a whole;
  • Focus on health – psychological, physical and emotional, as well as the necessity for its preservation and recovery;
  • The creation of certain conditions conducive to the disclosure of the potential by the gentlemen;
  • Improving gender-related social relations and ensuring equality in rights.
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When is Menโ€™s Day in 2024, calendar will surely remind you, so there’re no any reasons for being worried about. Just donโ€™t forget when November 19 comes.

On this day all around the planet there’re various seminars and official events in schools. You can also find programs on interesting radio and amazing television. Peaceful demonstrations and various processions, as well as round tables and displays of art objects devoted to the role of men in the contemporary society are also in trend.

Of course, the procedure for this day celebration is not obligatory, of course, but it can be really thematic and every year something special is offered to all countries. The most typical directions are “Men’s Health”, “Cure and Forgiveness”, “The Positive Role of Men” and others. However, each country as well as every city has the right to choose a more relevant theme for itself.

Father with kids

You have to make a present for your beloved partner, son or even any men in the office. They’ll be really surprise.

The party on 11/19 is also convenient. Its direction is up to you to decide. There are some people, who like to take a few beer somewhere in the cozy pub, but either there’s a great quantity of those, who give preference to comfortable home evenings in the family circles.

International Men’s Day Facts

So, you’ve already known that the reply to โ€œWhat is the date of World Menโ€™s Day 2024?โ€ sounds like 11/19, but we’d love to tell you something really important as to this matter.

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“All men are the same”, – many contemporary women sigh, referring to the volatility, frivolity, irresponsibility of the strong half of humanity at the present time. Indeed, today’s gentlemen treat ladies quite differently from what happened some 30-50 years ago. Men have spoiled the era of financial priorities, their own parents and the ladies themselves, endlessly showing initiative. Thus, at the moment, a number of male psychotypes are distinguished.

  • Henpecked husband is characterized by such traits as modesty, alertness, obedience and some shyness. Everything would be well, but there is no any initiative from these men. So a woman in a relationship with such a gentleman will have to manage her husband, with all the sad consequences.
  • Conservative is a type of oriented to the house keeping. A man dominates the family and the life of a woman for whom there should not be anyone except a spouse, children and home life. Here everything is the opposite: lady has to submit and to obey.
  • A bad guy attracts women like honey usually attracts flies, despite the steep temper, lack of good manners, the presence of obscene expressions in the lexicon, even assault. It is impossible to stay with him for a long time, as well as to create a family. This category is thought to be unsuitable for common life.
  • Casanova, the main features of him are the following. โ€“ He gives right and left compliments, flirts with a great quantity of ladies at the same time, knows how to care for and drive women mad. This type is unsuitable for marriage. The experienced specialists are sure that it’d be better to take him as a friend for talking and rewarding experience.
  • Family man is believed to be the most suitable type for the family life creation. He is characterized by decency and loyalty. A family man’s usual hobbies are fishing and football. And he will not allow himself any brutality or arguments.


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