When is National Disability Day in 2025? It’s the subject, the answer to which is usually unknown even to those, whom this event may concern. However, we find this day to be very important and honorable. And we would like to tell you more that is the main reason, why we’ve made at last this decision to investigate the event in details.


Certainly, we understand that it would be rather difficult to discover, what day Disability Day in 2025 is, without serious discussion of the past, which, to tell the truth, is not so long as it has to be.

The actuality of this holiday appearance was arisen 40 years ago, in 1976 to be more precise. The representatives of UNO General Assembly made a very important decision. โ€“ 1981 should be the actual year, devoted to all people, suffering from any kinds of disabilities.ย  Of course, you will be interested what was done between these two dates. Processes were not stopped for 5 years indeed, as the experts discovered the problems and difficulties of humans, who were in trouble all over the planet.

Person with disability

As a result, the experts noted that disabled people had made up a disproportionate share of the world’s poorest inhabitants. The notable data introduction was aimed the liquidation of the defined situation. This memorable day was created in order to facilitate the integration of all these people into contemporary society and to help them to obtain them as full a life as it is possible in their situation. Beginning from that very moment each year has been devoted to a new topic, the most relevant at the moment.

The social problems of such people, society met at the turn of the XVII – XVIII centuries, just with the onset of the industrial revolution.

While the majority of the population worked in agriculture and various crafts, the rate of disability was very low. Invalids, in most cases, became the consequence of military conflicts. In this case, further care for a person was committed either by the family or by monastic monasteries.

Because of the terrible injuries in the factories and plants at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the level of disability was enormous. But as the number of workers increased every day, the owners of manufactories and government committees were forced to create so-called disabled homes.


What does Disability Day mean? That is the question that needs individual reply. Frankly speaking, you see, it is up to every person to tell, whether it is really necessary to arise the problem like that or it may be quite forgotten.

In general for ordinary people it is rather hard to imagine how difficult the common activities are for those, who have been deprived of their health by nature or by chance. Unfortunately, according to statistics, every seventh person living today on the planet is an invalid.

A person with disabilities, meanwhile, does not lose either the inherent intelligence of our kind, nor the ordinary human desires and aspirations. However, to the great regret, many of the most diverse barriers are erected on their way of life. Prejudice and human ignorance also greatly complicate the lives of people already lost of their destiny.

In accordance with the obtained data, all around the planet there have beenย  more than 1.2 billion people who have some disability kind. The number is really impressive. – 16% of the general population of the Earth or every seventh person. The greatest part of them, 80% exactly, live in developing states, not in developed ones.

According to a study, performed by UN Office for Human Rights on September 25, 2013, 785 to 975 million disabled people are belonging to so-called working age. More than 100 million of them are children.


Well, if you’re asked โ€œWhat is the date of Disability Day?โ€ you wonโ€™t hesitate and reply immediately that it’llย  happen on December 3rd. By the way, this year it is to be on rather convenient day, on Sunday.

In general, disability is a violation of one or more body functions that limit a person’s capabilities. It can be congenital or acquired physical defects, hearing, vision, mental problems and as a result of different kinds of chronic diseases.

Throughout the planet, instead of definition “disabled people”, experts as well as people, involved into this sphere, try to use the wording “people with disabilities”. Why? – The subject is that it’s believed to be more polite. However, at the same time, the established term “invalid” is often used in modern mass media, business publications, normative and legislative acts, including official UN materials.

We can’t but mention that the humans with these types of problems, as a rule, face much discrimination and many obstacles. All these things prevent them from full life and participation in the daily life of society. In some situations, especially in the countries of the third world, they are denied the right to study in general education institutions, they are not hired for work, wheelchair users have difficulty with free movement, etc. Children with disabilities are almost 4 times more likely to be subjected to violence than their healthy mates.

People with disability


There are no reasons to get worried, when is Disability Day in 2025, calendar is mo matter ready to remind you. In this situation there are no problems and no troubles. However, there is a huge amount of people, who even do not guess, how to celebrate this special occasion in the proper manner.

First of all on the official level, on December 3 various concerts and different thematic meetings are organized, reminding the surrounding that disabled people need to have a full and cozy life either. In general they want to be like all other guys and ladies on the planet themselves.

We should always remember and our main task is to make their being as better and comfortable as it is possible. The initiative group usually asks to influence the situation. Any time you can contact their representatives and ask what you can do in order to help them.

Traditionally, charity events, forums, discussion clubs, information campaigns are held on this day.

People with physical, sensory, intellectual or mental disabilities participate there. They are joined by those who are not indifferent to the full participation of humans with disabilities in the development of society and the state as a whole.

The purpose is to draw the attention of the population to the problems of men and women who have lost their ability to work, protection of their rights, freedoms and dignity, the possibility of participation of them in public life.

World Disability Day Facts

So you have already known that the reply to โ€œWhen is International Disability Day 2025?โ€ sound like December 3rd.ย  But what about some additional information to this matter? Would you like to find out new facts?

After a while, nowadays, the world legislation has far stepped on people with disabilities. For example, world famous paralympic games are not only wonderful world forums, where our compatriots show themselves worthily and confidently, but a significant chance, both from the state, and from the side of society.

At the present moment not only in the capitals, but also in a number of other large cities, the corresponding programs are implemented. The general meaning of them is the creation of a “barrier-free environment” for wheelchair users. New metro stations are built not only with escalators, but also with elevators. Ramps are being built to enter public buildings and shopping centers.


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