People can’t live without shopping. The case is that they buy everything necessary. They provide their lives with products and other things that they can’t produce themselves. Sometimes they face many problems connected with quality of the products and service provided in the shops and markets. There are many laws which protect the rights of consumers. Many countries haven’t got many protective laws, so they need to change some points in their legislative system. Great time to attract attention of the governors is to observe a special date which is annually held in the world. When is National Consumer Rights Day in 2020?


The tradition of the observance started several decades ago. The idea was initiated due to the Consumers International which was organized in 1960, April 1st. It was organized in 120 countries. The foundation consisted from 250 members. The heart of the organization was set in London. The organization had several offices in other countries. It was a chance for many consumer groups to protect their rights. The organization was founded as non-for-profit.

The initiator of that international foundation was the IOCU. The goal of that initiation was the sharing of the individual knowledge. Businessmen also wanted to create various campaigns which could make cross-border negotiations.

Consumer Rights

The founders of the new association became Elizabeth Schadee and Caspar Brook. Those people occupied the most important vacancies in the organization. The founders also proposed a coordinative and close work with different product testing groups. It was decided to provide 10 thousand dollars for making the event.

The first conference took place in 1960. It was held in January in The Hague. Fourteen countries were represented during the meeting by 17 organizations. They discussed the need of accurate product testing. Two years later J.F.Kennedy, the US President, noted the importance of the organization.

The holiday or rather the observance was initiated 20 years later when A.Fazal proposed the idea of making a special day which aim had to be the promoting of rights of ordinary people as consumers. The event was proposed to provide on the 15th of March. The first occasion happened in 1983. “What day Consumer Rights Day?” The occasion is still observed on March, 15th.

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What does Consumer Rights Day mean? The event was initiated to help consumers understand their basic rights. The observance is annually held in many countries. As everybody can name himself a consumer it is very important to know all rules and laws. The importance of following the rules is obvious for every person. Besides, the common control is very useful for the quality of various products.

Customers have to be solidary to watch the process of production and storage of products and goods. They have a right to be provided with the best products. Governments are to be very attentive to their citizens. It is one of the most important issues of governors.

The holiday is a real movement when companies and social organizations can take part in the meetings and conferences. Besides, they may use the event to make organized protests in different places. People should also get information about their consumer rights. They are to follow new laws which are written to protect them from many debates with companies and groups that produce goods.

Producers of different goods also have a necessity to remember about their obligations. They understand that they have to make a quality product which can be the sold in other countries. European community sets special demands to the quality of goods.

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When is International Consumer Rights Day 2020? It is held on the 15th of March.


The meaning of the observance is well-understood by many people who know the meaning of these two words. It is well-known that the quality of goods and products is demanded in every country and international market. Bad quality of products is a common problem for many countries, especially in the developing territories. It is commonly accepted that European products have an appropriate quality. As they are imported, they have a rather high price.

The definition of the word “consumer” is given in many vocabularies. The term defines a thing or a person that consumes something. Consumers usually pay for the products which are consumed. The ordering of any service is also considered a consuming. Economic dictionaries accept a vital role of consumers in the whole national and international economic system. The word appeared in the 14th century in the modern meaning.

Nowadays economic books and reference books give a definition of a new term “a prosumer”. It is a mix of two words – “consumer” and “producer”. The phenomenon is connected with a wide spread of the Internet shopping. People simultaneously buy something in the web and influence on the appearance of the creation of the new products throughout their preferences. It is considered that they influence on the process of production.

What is the date of Consumer Rights Day? It is set on the 15th of March.

buying apple


The occasion is always observed on the concrete date. Organizers choose a concrete theme for an annual event. The topic changes every year. It is usually chosen according to the core of the event. The main goal is to assure the community in a great level of trust that must be provided by every producer.

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The problem of bad quality of products especially rises when a person consumes something in the internet. It is very convenient to order goods and products through the web. Nevertheless, a consumer can’t be sure that the quality of the ordered product is appropriate. Sellers sometimes try to deceive consumers and reject to take back the order. That’s why a consumer is better to know his rights very well.

The event is used by different organizations to explain people when they can turn the spoiled product to the seller. They also provide various meetings and conferences where participants can get additional information as to the protection of consumers. They give a certain way of defending their point of view in the court if it’s needed.

People can spend the day watching special programs which provide the knowledge of the laws. They can also involve their friends to these events. Sellers have to be especially attentive during the observance as the international organization provides a special control on the date. When is Consumer Rights Day in 2020, calendar? The occasion is spent on the 15th of March.

National Consumer Rights Day Facts

People usually don’t even understand that they have got lots of rights connected with the process of consuming goods or products. It is a need for everybody to watch changes in the governmental laws to be aware of being protected.

There are several common rules that should be remembered by every consumer:

  • Goods and services should match all the requirements set by the government. The avoiding of these rules and the absence of governmental control can lead to the great harm of the people’s health.
  • It is a demand to provide consumers with the detailed information about the product.
  • The compensation is available if any harm has been got by the usage of the product.


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