Nobel Day

Every year on December 10, the world celebrates Nobel Day. The date is dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel – an outstanding inventor, chemist, engineer and writer. The most famous invention of which was dynamite.

He bequeathed his entire inheritance, amounting to SEK 31.5 million (in the form of securities, the income of which was to be distributed equally each year), to finance an international prize for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, peace, economics and literature Achievements in mathematics were not considered important by A. Nobel, because he perceived mathematics as a less useful science, and with its help, according to the scientist, much fewer useful discoveries for humanity can be made. The presentation of prizes in the amount of 1.1 million dollars (in 2020) is held in the city of Stockholm by the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf.

The first to receive the award were:

  1. Jean Dunant – Peace Prize for founding the Red Cross.
  2. Wilhelm Röntgen – Prize in physics for the invention of the ray, which was named in his honor.
  3. Ragnar Frisch (Norway) and Jan Tinbergen (Netherlands) are the first laureates in economics.
  4. Marie Sklodowska-Curie became the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize.

Nobel Day


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