International Radiology Day and X-ray Day

Every year on November 8, the world celebrates the International Day of Radiology. In 2012, on the initiative of the European Society of Radiologists, it was decided to celebrate the day of the discovery of X-rays by Professor of Physics Wilhelm Röntgen. On November 8, 1895, the professor accidentally discovered rays of unknown origin, which he began to call X-rays.

It is interesting that the discoverer of X-rays was actually the talented Ukrainian scientist Ivan Pulyuy, who showed a tube emitting X-rays back in 1881 at an international electrical exhibition. Due to the fact that the exhibition was of a technical nature, scientists at that time did not understand the medical value of X-rays. Wider opportunities for funding and a higher level of scientific development in Germany, where Röntgen came from, contributed to the fact that the name of Puluya was forgotten, although his invention served people with benefit even before the official discovery of X-rays.

Interesting Facts

  • Before Roentgen, in 1880, these rays were discovered by the English physicist Williams Crookes. But then, not finding the reason for their occurrence, he did not attach importance to this finding.
  • In 1877, a physicist from Ukraine, Ivan Puluy, who at that time was a professor at the Technical University of Prague, found a similar phenomenon and even published the X-ray images he had taken in prominent scientific journals. Pului, being personally acquainted with V. Röntgen, had a hard time experiencing his fame, because he considered himself a pioneer.
  • In medicine, X-rays began to be used already at the beginning of 1896, and this gave new opportunities in the diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and finding foreign objects in the human body. For the first time, a metal needle stuck in a woman’s body was discovered using x-rays.
  • In 1901, Röntgen received the Nobel Prize for his discovery. But he gave all the money to the German government during the difficult times of the First World War. Also, the scientist did not go to the award ceremony – it was sent by mail.
  • During his lifetime, Röntgen was against the radiation he discovered being called by his name. That is why the scientist called them “X-rays”.
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When will we celebrate the International Day of Radiology and the Day of X-Rays

Year Date Weekday
2021 November 8 Monday
2022 November 8 Tuesday
2023 November 8 Wednesday
2024 November 8 Friday
2025 November 8 Saturday

International Radiology Day (World Radiography Day)


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