National Father’s Day

What kind of holiday is this?

“The father comes immediately after God” – it is hard not to agree with this saying of the composer Mozart, because for every kid, his dad is a hero for whom nothing is impossible. A loving parent combines kindness and sensitivity with determination and strength, creating a whole world for the child that is interesting and exciting, but at the same time protected and safe. Even as we grow older, the father remains our faithful friend, protector and mentor. Respect for the father is characteristic of all cultures of the world, therefore, a national holiday has been introduced in every state to express it. Ukraine is no exception – we celebrate it every year on the third Sunday of September National Father’s Day. In 2022, this event falls on September 18.

How did the idea of ​​celebrating National Father’s Day come about?

Respectful attitude towards the father is a traditional feature of our national character. Songs, fairy tales, legends and proverbs of the Ukrainian people testify to the fact that the father’s role in the life of the family and the upbringing of children was decisive.

In modern society, men are often not ready for conscious parenthood and the role of the head of the family, therefore, in 2003, the International Center for Parenthood (ICC) was established in Ukraine. This organization aims to teach Ukrainian men responsibility and active participation in raising children. The center’s employees also collect and process world experience — psychologists’ recommendations and research results in the field of parenting.

In 2008, the ICB and a number of other public organizations founded the All-Ukrainian Public Committee for Family Support and Responsible Parenthood. This association is tasked with forming a conscious attitude of Ukrainians to the parental role in the life of the family and society in general.

In 2009, the ICB and the All-Ukrainian Public Committee for Family Support and Responsible Parenthood established a national event — National Father’s Day. Since then, every third Sunday of September, Ukrainians have the opportunity to congratulate their dads and thank them for their love, wisdom and support.

A postcard for father

In addition to this holiday, we also congratulate dads on International Father’s Day and Father’s Day in Ukraine, which is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. The article about this event contains more information about the traditions of honoring parents and the importance of their role in human history.

When will we celebrate National Father’s Day??

Year Date Weekday
2021 September 19 Sunday
2022 September 18 Sunday
2023 September 17 Sunday
2024 September 15 Sunday
2025 September 21 Sunday

National Father's Day


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