Day of spontaneous kindness

What day is it?

February 17 is celebrated every year Day of spontaneous kindness (Random Acts of Kindness Day). Despite the fact that the holiday is quite young, its popularity in society grows every year. It can be celebrated by both individuals and entire organizations that encourage acts of kindness and mercy in society. Random acts of kindness inspire people.

Interestingly, people who are constantly focused on their problems respond with pleasure to spontaneous acts of kindness and mercy. Good deeds bring pleasure not only to the recipient, but also inspire joy in those who do them. The purpose of the holiday is to make people a little happier and spread a bit of kindness around. It is not necessary to perform some huge acts of charity, it is enough to encourage a neighbor, make a pleasant compliment or simply smile at a stranger.

How did the idea to celebrate the Day of Spontaneous Kindness come about?

Information about the introduction of the holiday is quite concise. It is believed that Kindness Day was started in 1995 in the American town of Denver (Colorado). And later, in 2004, the holiday was celebrated for the first time already in Oceania – in New Zealand.

Representatives of the kindness movement decided to officially celebrate the holiday at the international level. It happened in 1998 in Tokyo. Other countries gradually joined the celebration.

Today, the holiday is actively celebrated in the USA, Canada, Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. Recently, the Day of Kindness is also celebrated in Ukraine.

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Day of spontaneous kindness is an independent holiday that is in no way connected with politics and religion. At the same time, on this day, every person is called to do good, as it is extremely important for the development of humanity and charity. Another feature is the spontaneous nature of the holiday. This means that good is done to a person who does not expect mercy at all. It is interesting that there is already a Day of Kindness in the calendar, which is celebrated on November 13.

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The idea behind this holiday is to make the world a better place by spreading a little light around. Lift the other person’s mood with your words, compliment them on their appearance – all these things can really help someone who is having a bad day.

Interesting facts about goodness

  • When a person does good, endorphins are produced in his brain. This process is accompanied by euphoric feelings of joy and peace.
  • Scientists claim that good deeds create certain vibrations in the brain of the person who does good and in the person for whom mercy is done.
  • According to numerous studies, acts of kindness normalize blood pressure.
  • In November 1998, the first international conference called “Movement for Peace” was held in Tokyo. On this day, the 35th anniversary of the Japanese holiday “Little Goodness” was celebrated.
  • To make your heart more sensitive, inhale the aroma of freshly baked bread. After all, if you believe British scientists, the smell of fresh baked goods awakens a feeling of kindness and generosity in people.
  • Our acts of kindness spread like rings in water. In the film Pay Another, one of the students comes to the conclusion: if you perform three good deeds to randomly selected people, and then ask them to help others three times, then in 21 steps every person on the planet will receive help.
  • A street barber named Nazir Sobhani, who lives in Melbourne, works 6 days a week in a barbershop where he cuts people’s hair. On the 7th day, he goes out into the streets of the city and does hair and shaves the beards of homeless women for free. During his work, he convinces people to start a new life.
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The day of spontaneous kindness in history

  • 1995
    Kindness Day was started in 1995 in the American town of Denver (Colorado).
  • 1998
    In Tokyo, the holiday was officially celebrated at the international level.

How to celebrate the Day of Spontaneous Kindness?

In a number of countries, flowers are given to people on February 17. Thus, a person receives a sign of attention and act of kindness There is no doubt that such a gift causes a feeling of joy and encourages to do good to others. This is the main purpose of the holiday – to learn to do good deeds without any profit or gain, giving yourself and others a lot of pleasure.

You don’t need a lot of money to do good deeds. This is indicated by the act of volunteers who printed words of comfort and love on sheets of paper and distributed them to passers-by.

More serious matters should not be avoided. If there are people in your circle of acquaintances who need help, you can start collecting funds. Good deeds related to children deserve special attention: buying clothes or sweets for children from large families, renovating a children’s room in a hospital, etc. If you have unwanted toys or children’s clothes, they can be donated to an orphanage.

You can hold interesting events on the street, preparing hot tea for passers-by or handing out sweets. It’s a real display of spontaneous kindness that’s sure to please people.

Not only people, but also animals and birds need our good deeds. Therefore, on the Day of Spontaneous Kindness, you can feed a stray dog ​​or make a bird feeder.

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Why is this day important?

In the accelerated rhythm of modern life, people are so busy with themselves and their concerns that they do not notice the needs of others. On the other hand, caring for others brings real satisfaction, allows you to think about real life values, rethink your goals.

An active position in life, manifested in volunteering and charity, make people socially active and allow them to tolerate loneliness well. In the official circles of many countries, there are talks about involving people in volunteer activities for the purpose of improving the mental and physical condition of the population.

Everyone can join the fund Day of Spontaneous Kindness, which is represented by a non-profit organization. The organization includes representatives from different countries of the world. It is worth remembering that people need our kindness not only on February 17, but all 365 days a year.

When will we celebrate A day of spontaneous acts of kindness?

Year Date Weekday
2021 February 17 Wednesday
2022 February 17 Thursday
2023 February 17 Friday
2024 February 17 Saturday
2025 February 17 Monday

Day of spontaneous kindness


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