Made up the day

Believers celebrate on December 14 Made up the day. This is a national holiday celebrated in the lunar month. The date is dedicated to honoring the prophet Nahum, who lived in Galilee in the 7th century BC. They simply call the date Naum Gramotnik. The name arose because in ancient times, on December 14, grown-up babies were given to elders for education and literacy.

Little information about the life of the prophet Nahum has been preserved in church literature. There is information about the birth of Naum in the Galilean village of Elkosha. It is known for certain that this man wrote down his prophecies in a book that was completed in 663 BC. e. Nahum is one of a dozen “minor” Old Testament prophets. His book tells a prophecy about the death of the inhabitants of the Assyrian city of Nineveh due to lawless living. The circumstances of Prophet Nahum’s life are still unknown. It is believed that he died at the age of 45 and was buried in his native land.

On Naum’s Day, Christians go to church, ask to bless children, and say prayers. Previously, December 14 was considered the beginning of teaching children literacy in villages and towns.

Made up the day
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