International Day of People with Disabilities

What day is it?

Every year on December 3, the world celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Unfortunately, many diseases or injuries today are incurable and limit people’s physical capabilities — they cannot perform the functions usual for every healthy person. About 15% of people on the planet suffer from it. Such persons are called people with disabilities. People with disabilities have numerous difficulties – household, psychological, problems with education and employment. They often have a lower standard of living and partial or complete social isolation.

How did the idea to celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities come about?

In ancient times, there was a cult of a healthy, beautiful human body, which was supposed to be similar to the body of the gods. People with disabilities did not fit this image.

In ancient Greece, children born with noticeable physical defects were usually killed. The traditions of Ancient Rome were similar – people with disabilities did not have civil rights there, because they could not work fully, which means they could not contribute to the development of the state.

In the Middle Ages, the prevailing opinion was that disability is God’s punishment for grave sins. They did not even try to treat such people, as it contradicted the will of God.

People who could not work and feed themselves were considered inferior. In addition, they could be accused of black magic and adherence to Satan. This usually happened during periods of famine or epidemics, when it was necessary to find the culprits of all troubles.

People with disabilities often became the object of abuse and ridicule. The jesters of the then rulers were precisely people with disabilities. They were also exploited in mobile circuses, exhibited in the squares for the entertainment of the crowd.

With the advent of plants and factories, the need for healthy and strong workers who could work long hours only increased. Workers with disabilities at work were redundant. They could count only on funds from benefactors. A great success for those who were able to work was to get a job in a workshop.

In the seemingly more civilized 19th century, people with physical disabilities were often isolated in special institutions and forcibly sterilized so that they would not spoil the nation’s gene pool.

In the 30s and 40s of the 20th century in Germany during Hitler’s rule, the “disabled” were officially subject to destruction as a burden on the state.

People with disabilities all over the world have been fighting for their rights for a long time, but they are still discriminated against and have barriers between themselves and that part of society that does not have physical limitations.

International Day of People with Disabilities in history

  • 1981
    The UN declared the International Year of Persons with Disabilities.
  • 1991
    March 21
    The Law “On the Basics of Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine” was adopted.
  • 1992
    The United Nations has declared December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
  • 2006
    December 13
    The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was voted. It entered into force on May 3, 2008.
  • 2009
    December 16
    The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratified by Ukraine.

Frequent Questions and answers on the International Day of People with Disabilities

What does the word disability mean?

The word comes from the Latin “invalidus”, which means weak, feeble.

Does the International Day of Persons with Disabilities have its own slogan?

Yes, every year a separate slogan is determined for this day. For example, the slogan for 2020 is “Not all disabilities are visible.” This topic aims to understand disabilities that cannot be seen, such as mental illness or neurological disorders.

Is the word “disabled” offensive?

So. And although it was official until recently, now you should use “person with a disability”. This removes the evaluative characteristic from the name.

Can a Ukrainian with a disability contact the Employment Service of Ukraine to find a job?

So. The search for suitable work for this category of citizens is carried out taking into account the conclusions of medical and social expert commissions.

Which famous people had a disability?

There are a lot of such people. Among them are Ludwig van Beethoven, Franklin Roosevelt, Vanga, Stephen Hawking, Stevie Wonder. All of them are an example of how people with disabilities can be influential and important to society.

Which European country has the most working people with disabilities?

This one the country is Germany. Almost 70% of people with disabilities exercise their right to employment there.

How is the International Day of People with Disabilities celebrated?

On the International Day of People with Disabilities in Ukraine, as in other countries, various thematic events are held – conferences, meetings, seminars. Government officials, people with disabilities and representatives of human rights organizations are invited to them. In the conditions of such a dialogue, solving issues related to living conditions, medical services, employment of people with disabilities is much more effective.

Educational institutions also conduct thematic lessons and lectures to acquaint pupils and students with this relevant topic. For a better understanding, you can offer children to watch one or more films about how bright the lives of people with disabilities can be – for example, “Steve Hawking’s Universe” or “Soul Surfer”.

People who do not have personal experience with disability rarely think about its problems. But this day is a chance to remember that fellow citizens with physical limitations live near us. Helping a disabled person up the stairs or simply bringing groceries from the store does not take much time, but such small things mean a lot to both the person receiving help and the person helping. It preserves our common faith in humanity and goodness.

Why is this event important?

The meaning of this day is not to feel sorry for people with special needs. On the contrary, it reminds us of the equality of such people with other citizens. But we should not forget that these people need help and social protection.

  1. Conditions for the free movement of people with disabilities on the streets, in transport and in public spaces have not yet been created in our country. Therefore, many of them are forced to spend almost all of their time at home, relying only on the help of family members.
  2. Very small amounts of disability pensions cannot ensure a normal standard of living, often these funds are not enough even for the necessary treatment. And it is quite difficult for people with disabilities to get a job, despite the quotas established by the state.
  3. The insufficient perception of these problems by society also adds to the woes.
  4. So it is precisely in focusing attention on the difficulties of people with special needs and finding their solutions that the importance of this day lies.

When will we celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities?

Year Date Weekday
2020 December 3 Thursday
2021 December 3 Friday
2022 December 3 Saturday
2023 December 3 Sunday
2024 December 3 Tuesday

International Day of People with Disabilities


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