• Seals are animals that do not have pronounced sexual dimorphism. Most mammals do not differ in appearance, and males and females have a similar appearance. Only male elephant seals and harbor seals have certain markings on their faces. The genital organs of seals are located in folds of skin, in the lower half of the body.
  • Seals belong to the order of pinnipeds, which is quite logical, because instead of lower limbs they have flippers. Their appearance corresponds to the way of life. Mammals spend most of their time in the sea, and flippers help them swim. On land, these limbs are not very useful, but seals, unlike dolphins and killer whales, have not lost their connection with land.
  • On shore, after hunting in the water, seals move somewhat awkwardly, especially compared to how they swim. Pinnipeds are excellent swimmerstheir speed can reach 25 kilometers per hour, and the maximum diving depth is 600 meters.
  • Stiff short hairs cover most of the seal’s body. In addition to a significant fat cover, wool also protects mammals from the cold. For the winter, seals, like all animals, accumulate a reserve of subcutaneous fat, which helps maintain a constant body temperature. Thanks to this, mammals can live in cold arctic zones.
  • There are seals single animals. Their the herd instinct has developed at a minimal level, they gather in groups only when danger threatens. Resting and hunting for small animals occurs in each individual, although they are quite friendly creatures.
  • Seal reproduction takes place only once a year, at the end of the summer season. The largest number of conflicts occurs during this period, this is due to intraspecific competition for females. In result females will choose the strongest male for procreation.
  • In general, mammals are peaceful and calm animals, most of their time they enjoy life resting on ice or on land. Pinnipeds prefer a measured and comfortable life without conflicts.
  • The gestation period of a female seal reaches one year. After its completion, one baby is born, who is called “white” through thick white wool. Anatomically, a small seal is fully developed after birth, able to forage for itself, but the pups spend most of their time on land.
  • Seals able to dive to a depth of 600 meters. Heart beats during such a deep dive are significantly reduced – up to 15 beats per minute. In a calm state, the heart rate is 120 beats, which is the norm.
  • Most of the life of mammals is spent in the aquatic environment. They can even sleep in the water. Seals sense their prey at a distance of 500 meters and can easily overcome a long distance, up to a hundred kilometers. Pinnipeds are predators, but they themselves should beware of larger animals – sharks and polar bears.

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