Indian Independence Day
On August 15, the inhabitants of India celebrate a great national holiday – Independence Day from the British rule. In 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru ceremoniously hoisted the tricolor flag in Delhi Square. Since then, this ritual has been repeated every year in city squares in the presence of representatives of local authorities.
On this day in Delhi, the Prime Minister must make a speech, which is broadcast by all the country’s television channels. He addresses the people of India with congratulations, sums up the government’s work for the year and mentions the leaders of the Indian liberation movement.
Traditionally, August 15 is a holiday in the country. A military parade is held on the main square of the capital, which demonstrates the power of the Indian army. The festival continues with the carnival. People wear bright dresses, decorate their hair and clothes with ribbons and flowers. In schools, sweets are distributed to children on the eve of the holiday. The celebration is accompanied by the launch of kites.