International candlestick day
On April 30, various countries around the world celebrate an unusual holiday – International candlestick day. The celebration of the event is designed to draw attention to the interesting craft of candlemakers. Now, even on the Internet, there are not many popular groups, communities and forums for communication of candlesticks. And there are no special events at all.
Started International candlestick day in 2017. Fans of this interesting craft had the opportunity to celebrate their holiday. The art of candle making unites many people, from beginners to true professionals. The unusual format of candle making is gaining popularity among those who like to create interesting things with their own hands.
The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. It is dedicated to a holiday in the national calendar – the day of Zosima Solovetskyi. On the last day of April, beekeepers usually take out the hives with bees and start the honey collection season by going around the bee fields. According to ancient traditions, beekeepers put a lit wax candle on this day and prayed to Zosima, the patron saint of bees.
The production of paraffin and wax products is rapidly gaining momentum. Candlemakers produce beautiful crafts for various festive events, for example, for the New Year, Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Easter.
Beeswax is an indispensable material for the production of church and temple candles, conducting traditional ritual ceremonies, consecration of public cities. Celebrating the Candlemaker’s Day is a celebration of the contribution of the masters of the candle craft in various fields. The initiator of the holiday is Serhii Maksimovich Mauser, popularizer of candle art in Russia. This person believes that the introduction of the International holiday will promote the development of friendly relations between the masters of different countries of the world and will allow fans of the craft to communicate, share ideas and produce real candle masterpieces.