Independence Day of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
August 25 Uruguay celebrates Independence Day (Eastern Republic of Uruguay) is the second smallest independent country in South America after Suriname.
Uruguay gained independence by following a thorny path. Three important events can be distinguished in the modern history of the country. In 1815, General Jose Artigas declared the independence of the Federal League. After 10 years, on August 25, the independence of the Eastern Group from Brazil was announced, and almost 5 years later, in July 1830, the Constitution of Uruguay was approved.
Despite the fact that the country was ruled by a military dictatorship until 1985, Uruguay is now the least corrupt country in Latin America.
Interesting facts about Uruguay
- In 2009, every schoolchild in Uruguay received a free personal computer with Wi-Fi, which has never been the case in any country in the world.
- In Uruguay, among all countries of the planet, the highest literacy rate of the population is 98%. This was achieved due to the free access of Uruguayans to compulsory schooling.
- The title of the “poorest president in the world” was also awarded to one of the heads of state. Jose Mujica ruled the country for 5 years and became known to the world for donating 90% of his profits to charity.
Uruguay is deservedly called the first country in the Latin American world, which managed to become a country of general welfare.