Florist Day of Ukraine
March 31 is celebrated in Ukraine Florist’s Day. This profession appeared on the specialty market quite recently and was recognized by state authorities almost immediately. Florist’s Day is celebrated at the state level. The beginning of its celebration fell on the year 2000, when the Ukrainian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy officially approved in the classification of professions a specialist in flower selection. It happened exactly on March 31.
One desire is not enough to become a qualified florist salon worker. After all, it is necessary to master a certain educational program, familiarize yourself with methodical materials and meet the qualification characteristics as a specialist.
The new specialty has its own profession code, which is registered in the state register – 7331. Also, specialists can reach 2, 3, 4 and the highest 5 degrees, thanks to conscientious work. Level 2 and 3 skills do not require special skills from employees, but 4 and 5 are the category of real professionals. Specialists must constantly improve their qualification level and participate in international competitions and exhibitions.