World Daffodil Day

World Daffodil Day (World Daffodil Day) is celebrated on the fourth Friday of August. This event is not dedicated to flowers, but to the fight against cancer. Daffodils have been a symbol of this disease for many years.

  • In the language of flowers, it symbolizes hope, reflecting the efforts people make to find a cure.

Narcissus is a symbol of hope

Daffodils – flowers that bloom in spring, began to be used by cancer communities as a symbol of hope as early as 1950. The image of this flower has forever been associated with the efforts of volunteers and researchers who bring information about oncological diseases to humanity. On World Narcissus Day, fundraisers are held for global cancer organizations aimed at research and helping cancer patients.

Today, the daffodil is the logo of volunteer groups and cancer communities around the world.


  • According to statistics, 4 out of 10 people will face this terrible disease at some point in their life.
  • It is important to pay enough attention to self-examination, periodic medical examination and prevent possible risks, for example, by protecting yourself from direct sunlight.

World Daffodil Day
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