Day of the workaholic
It is celebrated annually on July 5 in the United States Day of the workaholic. The purpose of celebrating this date is to draw attention to the problem of workaholism, which is affecting an increasing number of adults. In order to distinguish workaholism from enthusiasm for one’s work, psychologists recommend passing certain tests.
Is workaholism useful?
The majority of the population does not consider workaholism a dangerous addiction, and society even encourages people to work overtime. But scientists have proven that this passion has a very negative effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, leading to mental illnesses, early strokes and heart attacks. Some doctors put it on the same level as alcoholism, which is very difficult to get out of on your own.
The main causes of workaholism
Most often, people immerse themselves headlong into work in order to distract themselves from loneliness or difficult relationships in the family. Workaholism can also be caused by childhood psychological trauma and self-doubt.