Day of professional unions of Ukraine
The second Sunday of October in Ukraine is marked by the celebration of trade union day. The idea arose and was approved in 2018. Since then, participants of the movement for the protection of the rights of employees have annually celebrated their professional holiday.
Meetings, conferences and a festive program are held on this day. Traditionally, all expenses for the organization of the holiday are borne by trade unions and event organizers, without borrowing funds from the state or local budgets.
Trade unions perform functions that cannot be performed by an individual employee:
- An employment contract is concluded.
- They agree on the amount of wages and incentives.
- They represent the interests of employees in institutions.
- They organize meetings, strikes, etc. to protect the rights of workers.
According to historical facts, the first official trade union was founded in 1869 in the USA and was called “Knights of Labor”. But the World Federation appeared only after the Second World War.
On the territory of Ukraine, the union for the protection of workers’ rights was organized for the first time in the fall of 1917. On the occasion of its centenary, the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine put forward a proposal to celebrate this date every year on the second Sunday of October. The initiative was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers and approved by the decree of the President of the country.