World Day of Action for Decent Work

What day is it?

Tens of millions of people around the world participate in the “For Decent Work” trade union action day every year on October 7 – World Day of Action for Decent Work. Marches, rallies, pickets, meetings with government representatives – trade leaders are trying in every possible way to implement the principles of social justice. Every year there is a kind of trade union mobilization day in the member countries of the ILO (International Labor Organization). Their goal is to achieve decent work from the government and employers, to draw attention to the fact that in matters of growth and the formation of an efficient economy, the central place should belong to the person himself.

All holidays and events for October 7

How did the idea of ​​celebrating the World Day of Action for Decent Work come about?

A tradition to celebrate Trade union action day for decent work appeared at the third meeting of the General Council of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2007. Then it was approved that the World Day of Action for Decent Work will be held annually on October 7 in countries whose trade centers are members of the ILO. Holding the Day of Action became a kind of response of trade unions to the anti-social actions of governments and corporations during the financial and economic crises of recent years, the impact of which is still felt in many countries of the world. Despite the opposition of trade unions, the ruling circles and transnational companies strive to overcome economic difficulties, openly neglecting the interests and rights of workers. Mass unemployment, especially among young people, the growth of poverty among workers and pensioners, the widening of the income gap, the overwhelming burden of taxes and payments, discrimination against women, migrants and other disadvantaged groups of the population have become a constant and common phenomenon today.

Prerequisites for implementation

The concept of decent work was developed by the International Labor Organization in 1999. The International Labor Organization defines the concept of “decent work” as “productive work in conditions of freedom, justice, safety and dignity of every worker.” This means compliance with internationally recognized norms and principles in the field of labor, expanding the scope of social protection for all workers, strengthening the interaction of state bodies, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and social dialogue in solving major socio-economic problems. The basis of decent work is full and productive employment, healthy conditions and fair remuneration of workers.

Adoption of the ILO Convention

In 2006, Convention 187 of the ILO (International Labor Organization) was adopted. It contains provisions obliging ILO member countries to create and adopt national decisions on occupational health and safety to create safe workplaces and prevent possible risks at work.

What about Ukraine?

In 2008, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the ILO and Ukrainian partners, which touched on the issues of the Decent Work Program for the period from 2008 to 2011. The main provision of the Program: decent work is the central point of the development of the labor and social sphere in Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the countries where decent work is evaluated as part of the pilot research project. The World Day of Action for Decent Work has been celebrated in Ukraine since 2009.

Day of Action for Decent Work in history

  • 1999
    The concept of decent work was developed by the International Labor Organization (ILO).
  • 2006
    The ILO Convention was adopted, which obliged ILO member countries to create and adopt national decisions on occupational health and safety to create safe workplaces and prevent possible risks at work.
  • 2007
    At the meeting of the General Council of the ILO, the World Day of Action for Decent Work was approved.
  • 2008
    A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the ILO and Ukraine regarding decent work conditions.
  • 2009
    In Ukraine, they began to celebrate the World Day of Action for Decent Work.


Unpaid overtime and stress at work have become commonplace around the world. This conclusion can be drawn based on the results of an international study based on a survey of 342,000 workers from 11 countries of the world conducted by the WageIndicator Foundation. Survey results:

  1. On average, 4 out of 10 employees work more than the time agreed in the contracts.
  2. Half of them receive no overtime compensation at all.
  3. People from different countries of the world also say that their work is morally exhausting. Patterns of work-related stress are measured on a scale from 1 (no stress) to 5 (daily stress). Employees rated moral tension in all countries, regardless of the level of economic development, at the level of 3.5.

How to celebrate the World Day of Action for Decent Work?

Within each Action Day The International Confederation of Trade Unions sets a general socio-economic theme and a corresponding slogan. At the same time, the trade union centers of different states and their member organizations go to the actions on October 7 not only with a general order, but also with their own slogans relevant for this or that country. Such an approach allows, promoting the general trade union context, to focus the attention of governments and employers on the most painful local problems – it can be the struggle for the minimum wage, fair pension provision, safe working conditions or a loud labor conflict at a separate enterprise.

As part of the celebration of the Day of Action for Decent Work in Ukraine, information leaflets are distributed, a peaceful march is held, and flash mobs are organized under various slogans in support of the legitimate demands of workers. Round tables, meetings, and conferences are also held in trade union organizations with the invitation of government officials and social partners.

Such events allow trade unionists to draw people’s attention to the problems of workers and the protection of their rights.

Why is this day important?

Decent work – a question that worries every employee. It is especially important in light of recent events. The central theme and slogan of the ILO in 2020 was “A New Social Contract for Recovery and Resilience”. At the same time, local trade unions are mobilizing according to their own themes and demands.

When will we celebrate Day of action for decent work?

Year Date Weekday
2021 October 7 Thursday
2022 October 7 Friday
2023 October 7 Saturday
2024 October 7 Monday
2025 October 7 Tuesday


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