Day of peculiar people

January 10 is celebrated The day of special (strange) people. Despite the fact that this concept is very widespread, few people know exactly what it means. Therefore, the goal of the initiators of the holiday was to spread information about the distinctive features of strange people.

By definition, a special person has no intention of proving their point to anyone. Thanks to the acquisition of harmony in her life, it becomes unnecessary for her. Such a person is attuned to happiness, he can see the unusual in every thing and phenomenon.

Special people often reveal their inner state through external images. To do this, they use bright colors in their clothes or hair color, apply tattoos on their bodies, and dress in spite of the weather conditions.

People who live “automatically”, living “groundhog day” every day, cannot understand why they are constantly looking for something new and interesting. But it should be remembered that it is the weirdos who are the engines of progress at a time when “normal” people only consume its results.

The day of strange people


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