International Day of Women’s Happiness

What day is it?

In Ukraine, women are used to celebrating March 8, so not everyone has heard about the existence of a relatively new holiday in October — International Day of Women’s Happiness. This day is celebrated annually on October 18. The holiday is designed to increase worldwide women’s awareness of depression and ways to overcome it. It is believed that women suffer from depression twice as often as men. Female depression worsens not only the life of a woman, but also the life of her family, destroys relationships and careers, has a negative impact on work capacity and, as a result, even on the economy of the country as a whole.

How did the idea to celebrate the International Day of Women’s Happiness come about?

American Karin Rokind became pregnant at the age of 43. Together with her husband Josh, they happily awaited the birth of a baby. On October 18, 2017, Karin went to the doctor for another check-up and unexpectedly learned the disappointing news — the child does not have a heartbeat. Karin lost her child.

All holidays and events for October 18

Despite the fact that at that time Rokind was already a famous women’s coach, motivational speaker, specialist in the field of positive psychology and the science of happiness in the United States, she was in despair. She fell into a deep depression. The woman even lost the will to live. Although she taught others how to be happy for many years, she could not cope with her personal grief on her own.

Above all, the fact that she had many true friends and supporters of her activities helped Karin to survive the loss of her child. Karin’s friends never left her alone. Friends from college left their jobs to come and share her pain. Women from all over the world, whom she once helped, wrote letters and sent parcels every day. In the end, it saved Karin’s life.

When the first wave of grief receded, the woman began to use for fight against depression their own knowledge. She used every method possible—cooking healthy meals, reading, journaling, meditating, and using positive psychology tools—to heal and move through the tragedy to a new level of self-discovery.

Karin Rokind founded the International Day of Women's Happiness

Somehow, in a state of meditation, Karin clearly felt that her main vocation in this life was the fight against female depression.

Image from Karin Rokind’s website

While studying in graduate school, she carefully studied this problem. Nowadays, women work a lot, but they earn less than men. In addition, they bear the main burden of household chores and raising children. Women suffer from discrimination, are prone to anxiety and low self-esteem.

Karin Rokind herself often experienced feelings of depression and anxiety throughout her life until she finally realized the simple truth that you need to know yourself and love yourself as you are. When a woman does not betray herself, allows herself to have her own flaws and shortcomings, understands her most cherished desires and allows herself to live a full life, she is happy. Let anyone condemn a woman for emotionality, overweight, gray hair, for wanting to work or stay at home – all these are external, artificially imposed standards.

You cannot and should not be perfect for everyone.

Karin had the idea to start a holiday — a day when women around the world can feel less alone with their depressed state and other psychological problems. She shared this idea with various people – with friends, psychologists, and listeners of her trainings. Their reaction was amazing – women from different countries needed support and wanted to join their efforts in search of inner harmony.

This is how the International Day of Women’s Happiness was born.

Frequent Questions and answers on the International Day of Women’s Happiness

When was the first International Day of Women’s Happiness celebrated?

For the first time, this day was celebrated as an international holiday on October 18, 2018.

How many countries have already joined the celebration?

The International Day of Women’s Happiness is celebrated in 25 countries on six continents.

How to celebrate the International Day of Women’s Happiness?

International Day of Women’s Happiness — is a very young holiday, so it does not yet have established customs in Ukraine. But we can take as an example the traditions that have already developed in other countries.

Usually, on this day, various seminars and trainings for women are held, during which the participants share their understanding of what happiness is for them. Women also express ideas about providing help to those who really need it.

Presentations of books and magazines that teach women the art of loving themselves, accepting their personality, and overcoming difficult periods in life are organized. Many women simply call their relatives, friends and acquaintances to support and wish them happiness.

It is also important to simply share information about this day with those who need it.

Postcards for the Day of Women’s Happiness

You are my happiness  Greeting card - Cards for the Day of Women's Happiness

To the day of women's happiness  Greeting card - Cards for the Day of Women's Happiness

Be happy!  |  Greeting card - Cards for the Day of Women's Happiness

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Why important this day?

Not all women find time in their everyday worries to finally decide on their own version of happiness and those things and circumstances that give it. Many women continue to look for happiness in the external world, without thinking about their undeniable ability to create it.

  1. This day gives women an opportunity to think about what they really want, what they dream about and what makes their life bright and full.
  2. Usually, even small things can bring joy back. You can finally relax, sign up for yoga or psychological training, treat yourself to an interesting book, meditate, listen to good music. It can be any activity – the main thing is that it brings a feeling of harmony and fulfillment.
  3. By helping themselves and others on International Women’s Day, women together create great potential to eradicate women’s depression and empower women around the world. This is of great importance not only for the present, but also for future generations.
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When will we celebrate International Day of Women’s Happiness?

Year Date Weekday
2021 October 18 Monday
2022 October 18 Tuesday
2023 October 18 Wednesday
2024 October 18 Friday
2025 October 18 Saturday

International Day of Women's Happiness


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