World Sketchout Day

January 11 is held World Sketchout Day – a day when the community of sketch artists gathers to celebrate and share experiences and achievements.

Sketchnoting – a form of visual notes that allows people to remember information faster and better, express their ideas and show more creativity. The importance of sketchnoting is that for some people it is the only chance to remember information. Such people are visual, and sketches with pictures and words are a memorization technique for them.

The initiators of the celebration of the day were Mike Rode and Mauro Toselli – creative people who, together with a group of like-minded designers and producers, created the company Sketchnote Army with the aim of demonstrating sketches and their creators from all over the world. The holiday was held for the first time in 2016. The idea of ​​the holiday is to find people who like to combine drawings with notes through contests on social networks, to attract the attention of others, to invite them to try their hand at sketchnoting.

World Sketchout Day


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