World Day of Social Justice

This day began to be celebrated on November 26, 2007, when the UN General Assembly declared that February 20 would be celebrated annually as World Day of Social Justice. This statement focused on guaranteeing fairness for all in matters of employment, protection, social dialogue and fundamental principles and human rights. Of course, the modern world is far from ideal when it comes to justice. That is why this day aims to focus our attention and efforts on solving issues such as poverty, exclusion, gender equality, unemployment, human rights and social protection.

No one will deny that justice is one of the main principles of peaceful and flourishing coexistence within the country and at the world level. And, in fact, this is not always a question for the power structures. Each person has many opportunities throughout the day to demonstrate this same social justice. We promote justice when we raise the issue of gender equality, when we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, race or ethnicity, religion, culture or disability. We promote social justice simply by not passing by and ignoring injustice.

A great celebration of this day will be various events on the theme of justice in schools, colleges or universities. Various media can bring attention to social justice issues. Ordinary people can organize peaceful actions, supporting human dignity and justice, make posts on the topic of justice in social networks, or simply get to know the cultures, languages, and traditions of other peoples. Such simple actions can bring us closer to overcoming economic, social and environmental problems!

World Day of Social Justice


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