World Ballet Day

Since 2014, the society has dedicated one of October’s days to World Ballet Day. The initiator of the celebration was the London Royal Ballet, whose idea was supported by most of the world’s famous theaters.

Every year, the composition of the participants of the event changes and expands. On this day, the life of the theater behind the scenes is revealed to fans of ballet art from all over the world. Famous troupes broadcast live their best performances and exclusive interviews, demonstrate rehearsals and preparation for performances.

The festive event attracts the attention of young fans who plan to connect their lives with ballet. Demonstrating the professional skills and hard work that dancers put in to create wonderful spectacles helps them decide on their career choice.

Ballet originated in Italy during the Renaissance. These were fun dance scenes at carnivals. Performances were held in dresses that reached the ankles. The audience had the opportunity to join in the dance. Over time, such skits turned into independent performances.

Later, thanks to the wife of King Henry II, Catherine de’ Medici, who had Italian roots, this genre came to France. Here, ballet became popular among the court nobility and acquired a solemn spectacle with bright images. It was in France that a special language of dance technique, which is used today, was created.

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