Palestine Independence Day

November 15 is Palestine Independence Day. The Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1988 by the country’s legislature and national council at a meeting in Algiers. But it does not specify the clear borders of the state, and the population consists of Palestinians, regardless of their geographical location. Despite the fact that the capital city of Jerusalem is indicated in the resolution, the temporary capital is Ramallah.

Palestine has not acquired the status of a full member of the UN, because it remains unrecognized by some countries of the European Union, Great Britain, the United States and Japan.

Also, residents of Palestine have the right to visit only 36 countries of the world, while for residents of the USA, for example, this number is 172 countries.

The economic condition of the country is very difficult. This is evidenced by the fact that the majority of the Palestinian population lives below the poverty line, and more than 10% of children are forced to starve. The poorest neighborhoods are located in the Gaza Strip.

Palestine Independence Day
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