International Handwashing Day

Every year on October 15, the population of different countries around the world celebrates an unusual event – International Handwashing Day. The tradition of celebrating Global Handwashing Day was started by the UN General Assembly together with the World Health Organization and the UNICEF Children’s Fund in 2008. The idea arose in order to draw the attention of children and adults of the planet to the need to follow the rules of personal hygiene and wash hands with soap. Washing is the cheapest and most effective means of preventing infectious diseases.

The first celebration of Handwashing Day took place in 2008 with the participation of more than 120 million children from 70 countries. From now on, the thematic campaign is held annually under the slogan “Clean hands for everyone”.

Washing hands with soap was first suggested by the doctor Ignaz Semmelweis from Vienna in 1847. At that time, he worked as an assistant to Dr. Klein at the Vienna Hospital and thought about the problem of high infant mortality and postpartum fever in women. Semmelweis suggested that medical workers treat their hands with a solution of chlorinated lime. As a result, the mortality rate among patients decreased dramatically.

International Handwashing Day
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