International day of losers
The International Day of Losers is celebrated on October 13. It is a day when people think about their failures, share them, but most importantly, learn from them. This day was proposed in Finland at Aalto University (2010).
The goal is to teach people to look at failure as a way to learn. And indeed, throughout history there have been many cases when failures led to the fact that a person became successful:
- Harland Sanders – the founder of KFC, offered his services to more than a thousand restaurants, and could not get a job anywhere. Eventually, at the age of 62, he opened his own cafe, which was later recognized around the world.
- Walt Disney received more than 300 rejections of funding. The studios didn’t like his ideas about Mickey Mouse, the adaptation of The Three Little Pigs, he was even fired from the newspaper.
- Stephen King was rejected so many times for the publication of the manuscript of “Carrie” that he once even threw a copy in the trash in despair.
You can celebrate the Day of Losers by telling your friends about them or writing on the Internet. This is how you can show people that you don’t have to give up and just laugh at a ridiculous situation.