International day for the protection of seal pups (squirrels)

The world celebrates March 15 every year International day for the protection of seal pups (squirrels). The event was initiated by the World Organization for the Protection of Animals. In addition, thanks to the efforts of volunteers and human rights organizations, in 1986, a ban on the use of mink fur appeared in some countries. Later, in 2010, the European Union banned trade in seal fur products. There are countries that continue to kill bilks and use their fur, but the world community does not stop the fight.

Squirrels called harp seal pups because of their beautiful snow-white fur. Animals are massively and cruelly killed for fur, which leads to the extinction of the species.

the purpose International day for the protection of seal pups is to draw the attention of mankind to the problem of killing bulls, to engage in the fight against cruelty and to call for the preservation of nature.

International day for the protection of seal pups


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