Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Zinovia and Martyr Zinovia

November 12 is the day of remembrance of the martyr Zinovia and the martyr Zinovia, who were tortured for not renouncing the Christian faith.

Traditions say that the brother and sister adopted the Christian covenants from their parents as children. When they reached maturity, they gave their inheritance to poor people. For charity and piety, they were given the ability to heal people from various diseases. Soon Zinovia was appointed bishop of the Christian community in Cilicia, which gave him the opportunity to spread Christianity among the pagans.

But during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian in 285 AD. e., the holy bishop was captured and brought before the court of Lysias. Saint Zinovy ​​suffered cruel torture for his steadfastness in faith. Seeing this, his sister expressed her intention to share the torment with her brother. The execution of the saints was no less painful than torture, but it did not force them to change their beliefs. After beheading, their bodies were secretly buried.

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Zinovia and Martyr Zinovia


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