International Costume Day

What day is it?

Friends, “get dressed”! On October 13, men and women around the world must wear suits – International Costume Day. Of course, if they are supporters of the costume holiday, which is celebrated on this day. At the same time, well-ironed trousers, a white shirt, a tie and a jacket should be worn regardless of what you are currently doing: working in the office, at home or playing sports. This is a holiday for people with a good sense of humor, as well as for those who like to always be dressed “as if fresh from the tailor”. So celebrate, have fun, enjoy.

All holidays and events for October 13

How did the idea to celebrate International Costume Day come about?

For the first time, International Costume Day was celebrated in the famous American television series called “How I Met Your Mother”, which aired on CBS from 2005 to 2014. The main character, bachelor and old man Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris, simply loves to dress well. It always has an elegant look, and the suit “sits” on it like a glove! Stinson always wore only a suit, and “Dress up” was his catchphrase. Fans of the TV series borrowed Barney Stinson’s slogan and declared October 13 as International Costume Day. In honor of Stinson, on October 13, everyone wears costumes wherever they go: to school, work or a party.

Special mention should be made of the costume ode performed by a favorite character in one of the episodes. The song is called: “Nothing suits me like a suit!”.

It all started with the series

For the first time, the TV series “How I Met Your Mother” was broadcast on September 19, 2005 and has nine seasons. This popular sitcom was directed by Rob Greenberg and Pamela Fryman, experienced in creating television series, who also worked on such big projects as “Friends” and “Santa Barbara”. The idea of ​​the series belongs to Thomas Craig and Carter Bays, who became the screenwriters and producers of the series.

The main action takes place in 2030, when the main character Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) tells his teenage children about his past, the beginning of the relationship with their mother and the stories that happened to him and his friends when they were young in 2005. Ted says that he began actively searching for his soulmate because his best friend Marshall told him that he was planning to propose to his girlfriend, Lily.

A staunch lover and bachelor, Barney Stinson considers himself Ted’s best friend. A relationship specialist, an expert at wearing suits and making up rules, he creates the “Brotherhood Code” or otherwise known as “The Bro Code”. In 2008, the publishing house “Simon & Schuster” published “The Fraternal Code” in printed form.

Ode to a costume: video and lyrics

Ode to a costumeNothing suits me like a suit
Я знаю, про що ви думаєте:
Що Барні випив і що ця дівчина дуже йому сподобалась?
Так, я міг би переспати з нею, ні, мені не відмовили.
Просто в неї немає однієї важливої якості.

Виглядати на 10 балів було б чудово,
Але я волію одягнутися на дев’яточку!
Це незаперечний факт -
Ніщо мені так не пасує, як костюм!

Уявіть світ, де всі дівчатка і хлопчики
Бездоганно красиво одягнені.
Той кур'єр в піджаку та краватці,
Та собака в двобортному костюмчику,

Той вусатий чувак, одягнений в стилі 80-х,
Це немовля з льодяником,
Та леді-коп, досить миленька,
Ніщо їх так не прикрашає, як костюм!

(Костюми) Навіть костюм пілота я можу носити.
(Костюми) Вони такі галантні!
(Костюми) Ідеальний спосіб заманити хорошу дівчинку.
(Костюми) Темно-сині, голубі та чорні,
Зацініть цю бездоганну посадку.
Я хочу всіх їх до себе притиснути.

Маршал: Та невже?
Тоді будь добрий, дай відповідь на такі питання:
Що б ти зробив, якщо б довелося вибирати
Між своїми костюмами і горщиком із золотом?

Барні: Костюми!
Тед: Що скажеш, якщо взамін на костюми
Ти ніколи не постарієш?

Робін: Що ти вибереш: мільйон красунь або костюмчик-трійку?
Барні: Це спірне питання.
Лілі: А що якби мир у всьому світі залежав від тебе ...
Алалалала, я переб’ю тебе на цьому місці,

Це костюми,
Ну ж, Лілі,
Витягни свою голову з дупи!
Два! Три! Чотири!

Дівчата приходять та відходять, але одна річ незаперечна.
Кожен Братан, що в темі, має знати,
Що нічого не може замінити.
Вибачте, костюми, спокутую свою провину.

Мої святкові костюми – мої найкращі друзі!
Відправимо «вільний одяг» в кошик для білизни.
Адже ніщо так не пасує незаперечному, поважному,
Всім відомому носію костюмів,
Як костюм!

Хором: Ніщо йому так не пасує, як костюм.

Interesting Facts on International Costume Day

  1. The character Barney Stinson got his name after the heroin dealer from James Ellroy’s book LA Confidential.
  2. The character often repeats the phrase “Suit Up”, which emphasizes his philosophy – a man looks good only in a suit.
  3. During the entire existence of the series, Barney Stinson appears out of costume only 12 times.
  4. Initially, Jim Parsons, who starred in The Big Bang Theory, was invited to play Barney. The actor himself admitted this in one of the interviews. Neil Patrick Harris and Jim Parsons have a lot in common: they’re both married to men and they both have great suits.
  5. The song about the suit was heard in the 5th season, in the series “Girl vs. Suits”.

How to celebrate International Costume Day?

Fans of the series “How I Met Your Mother” offered a whole list of rules on how to properly celebrate International Costume Day:

  1. Wear a suit to school.
  2. Wear a suit to work.
  3. Buy a tie.
  4. Buy a vest.
  5. Sleep in a suit.
  6. Drink with friends in costume.
  7. Go to a party in a suit.
  8. Play laser tag in a costume.
  9. Watch the series “How I Met Your Mother”.
  10. Watch Barney Stinson sing “Nothing Fits Me Like a Suit.”
  11. If you see someone without a costume – say “Dress up”, or convince them to watch a legendary series.
  12. Dress up the dog in a costume.
  13. Take a selfie in your costume and post it on Instagram.

Why do we love this day?

Costume Day is not only a fun and wonderful holiday that allows you to relax a little and take a break from serious business, even in a costume. At the same time, this date draws the attention of every person to such an important element in every person’s life as clothes.

When will we celebrate World Costume Day?

Year Date Weekday
2021 October 13 Wednesday
2022 October 13 Thursday
2023 October 13 Friday
2024 October 13 Sunday
2025 October 13 Monday


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