International Alopecia Day

It is celebrated every year on the first Saturday of August all over the world Alopecia Day.

What is alopecia?

Alopecia (translated from Latin as baldness) is a pathological hair loss that leads to its complete or partial disappearance on the head or parts of the body. This autoimmune disease affects about 2% of the entire population of the planet. Children and adults can get sick, the first symptoms of the disease often appear before the age of 20.

History of the International Alopecia Day

The founder of this project is Mary Marshall – a patient with alopecia, in the past a lawyer, and now a musician, traveler, teacher of folk dances. Mary collects photos of people like her from different parts of the world, holds joint meetings and organizes events. For the first time, this project came to life in 2010, after four years, Mary received photo cards from 28 different countries of the world.

Purpose of the event

To unite people with alopecia, to share their experience, to help overcome difficulties and accept themselves by others.

This day is also very important from the point of view of informing society about diseases. After all, despite the fact that alopecia is a rare disease and is not transmitted through touch or other means, many patients still have to endure bullying and suffer from discrimination.

International Alopecia Day
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