Scout Day is celebrated in Ukraine on April 12, and International Boy Scout Day is also celebrated on February 22. We bring to your attention interesting facts about scouts.

Scouting is a worldwide movement. Today, the Scouting movement operates in 217 countries and has 38 million members worldwide. In scouting, children and adults unite in a general long game of scouts, in the desire to be useful to other people, nature and the world as a whole.

Word “scout” translated from English as “scout”.

The American space agency NASA has long maintained relations with scouts. More than 60% of all former and active astronauts at one time participated in the scouting movement.

11 out of 12 people who walked on the moon and 180 out of 312 American astronauts are Boy Scouts.

Scouting was originally conceived to prepare boys for military service.

The Boy Scouts assisted the FBI to collect a database of fingerprints. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover collaborated with the Boy Scouts of America and suggested they create a specialty patch called “Fingerprints.” To receive the patch, the scouts had to collect the fingerprints of several Americans. The boys independently sent the collected prints to the Civilian Identification Division of the FBI.

In America in the years 1911-1918, in order to receive the “Inventor” specialty patch, a candidate had to register a patent. It is not your grandmother to carry across the street.

James West was the first leader of the Boy Scouts of America. He agreed to take this position for 6 months, but left it only 32 years later.

The most popular scouting hobby is patch collecting. The price of some collections reaches several thousand dollars.

The grave of Baden-Powell, the founder of the scouting movement, is located in Kenya and is a national monument.

Scouts of Indonesia is the largest scouting organization in the world. It includes more than 21.5 million people.

One of the most numerous units of Boy Scouts is in the USA. The Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910. Currently, there are about 3 million children and about 1 million adults in it.

The scout emblem is a three-petalled lily. On the picture.

Eagle Scout Eagle Scout is the highest rank of the American Boy Scouts. To earn such a title, a Boy Scout must receive many awards and implement a special project that will benefit the Scouting movement.

In childhood, scouts were such famous people as Steven Spielberg and David Beckham. Paul McCartney and John Lennon were also scouts. Paul McCartney made his debut at a Boy Scout camp, singing in front of his fellow Boy Scouts at a Jamboree in July 1957.

Scouting is open all over the world both for girls and boys. The Boy Scouts of America officially began accepting girls into its ranks only in 2017.

Become a scout you can at any age. It is not at all necessary to be a wolf cub for several years in order to become a scout. Even if you’re 30 and have never been on a hike, you can become a Boy Scout.

You can join the scouting movement in Ukraine and learn more about it on the websites

  • National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine
  • Plast – National Scout Organization of Ukraine

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Interesting facts about Boy Scouts and the scouting movement


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