For many years in the world, left-handedness was considered a deviation, children were forcibly re-educated, scolded for not writing with their right hand. However, at the end of the last century, views changed.
Are there very few debts? -
Is it easy to be a shul? -
It’s all in the brain! -
Who are ambidextrous? -
How are shuls treated in the modern world?
For World Shulg Day, we offer a selection of interesting facts about Shulg.
Are there very few debts?
Interest is only 15%. According to rough estimates, every seventh inhabitant of the planet is a shulga. In most cases, this is a congenital feature. If both parents are left-handed, the chance of having a left-handed child is 25%.
If a woman becomes pregnant at the age of over 40, the chance that the child will turn out to be a shul increases by 130%, compared to if she became pregnant in her 20s.
The number of shuls on Earth is decreasing. It is believed that in the Stone Age they were about 50% of the population, in the Bronze Age – 25%, and now – only 5%.
A quick test for left-handedness
Clasp your hands in front of you in a lock. If the thumb of the left hand is on top, then most likely you are a cheater.
People with congenital left-handedness, but who have been overtrained since childhood, in stressful situations involuntarily perform actions with their left hand. It is called hidden left-handedness.
Is it easy to be a shul?
Shulg retraining was practiced all over the world. However, in totalitarian states, this process was more pronounced, shulg tried to fix it and “bring to a common denominator.” In addition, until the 70s of the 20th century, it had a practical basis: everyone wrote with ink, and those who wrote with their left hand smeared them.
Shulgi were considered “wrong” children who must be saved, and mothers were very nervous if the child was born left-handed. And although open violence was rarely practiced, quite harsh methods were sometimes used in schools and kindergartens.
In China did everything to relearn shulg and prevent the popularization of this phenomenon in society. Parents were frightened by the fact that the child’s left-handedness could cause other problems: stuttering, neurological diseases, etc.
Left-handed children are more difficult to tolerate rigid frames, especially when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment. But if you leave them alone, their abilities blossom. Shulgi often choose creative professions for themselves – in the field of art, music, sports. But the circle of interests of shulgs is not limited to traditional creative pursuits, they are also among gifted mathematicians and physicists.
Famous shulgi
Julius Caesar
Napoleon Bonaparte
Niccolò Paganini
Charlie Chaplin
Marilyn Monroe
Albert Einstein
Demi Moore
Paul McCartney
Leo Tolstoy
Bill Gates
Angelina Jolie
Queen Victoria
Winston Churchill
Alexander the Great
Fidel Castro
Barak Obama
Henry Ford
John Rockefeller
Isaac Newton
In Europe pressure on the shul was exerted until the middle of the 20th century, such a feature was considered almost a disease. But, as it turned out later, forcing a child to use an unfamiliar hand is tantamount to physical and emotional abuse. As a result, children begin to suffer from obsessive movements, fears, sleep disturbances. Such childhood trauma can affect a person for a lifetime. Neurologists and psychologists began to openly talk about this.
Unfortunately, workers are more often injured on the job. Various equipment: machines, tools and other devices – created for right-handed workers. As a result, when working on equipment for right-handed people, shulgi make unnatural movements for them and often get nervous and muscular stress, which is why they get injured.
It’s all in the brain!
A child in preschool age is not left-handed or right-handed due to the peculiarities of the body’s development. The hemispheres of the brain develop unevenly. The right hemisphere is fully formed by the age of 5, and the left – by the age of 8-12. That is why most children try to do everything with their left hand, but you can find out if a child is a shulga only after he reaches the age of 5.
IN the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed in most shuls. But in approximately 30% of left-handed people, the hemispheres are equally developed. The left hemisphere helps to more successfully solve new versions of old tasks, and the right – new and automatic old tasks. The right hemisphere is also responsible for associative thinking, processing information from different senses. Thanks to this, shulgi think non-linearly and find non-standard solutions.
Some shulgis have no idea that they were born shulgis. The fact is that we are taught from childhood to do everything with the right hand, at least the most significant actions such as eating or writing. And what we master on our own (for example, washing dishes), we do it as it is convenient for us, and not as we are used to. That is why there are people who eat and write with their right hand, but squeeze a wet cloth and wash dishes with their left, push off with their left foot when jumping, and aim with their left eye, although this is not always related to left-handedness.
I wonder what our subconscious is connected with the leading hand. Scientists from the University of Chicago conducted an experiment and found out that when performing habitual actions, people subconsciously choose the side that is more convenient and comfortable for them – this is the side of the working hand. For example, seeing no particular differences between two products in a store, shulgi choose the left product, and right-handed people choose the right product.
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Who are ambidextrous?
People who cannot distinguish the leading hand and equally use both are called ambidextrous.
Leonardo Da Vinci was ambidextrous – he wrote with his right hand and drew pictures with his left. He also had a unique ability to mirror writing – from right to left.
Often people assume that such a feature is ideal for life and can be learned. But scientists destroyed this myth: it is not necessary to study specifically for ambidextrous – it can damage the nervous system at any age.
Ambidextrous are less common than shulgi. But ambidexterity can be acquired – often they become shulgi who have reeducated themselves. Only 1% of the total population is ambidextrous from birth.
How are shuls treated in the modern world?
Left-handedness in the modern world is considered the norm. And the surrounding space also becomes more comfortable for shuls. For example, already sold special stationery: sharpeners with counter-clockwise threads, handles, scissors that have the blade on the other side, handles with recesses under the fingers of the left hand to allow the tool to be gripped correctly, and even rulers with the numbers written in reverse order.

Special left-handed musical instruments appear for shuls.
Yamaha left handed acoustic guitar
European-style kitchen knives are symmetrical. For shuls, there are also special corkscrews, computer mice and keyboards, surgical supplies, sporting goods, and musical instruments.
They try not to break the children, but adapt to a comfortable life. But still, for many representatives of the older generation, left-handedness remains something of concern, and grandmothers often worry about their grandchildren, telling children what needs to be done urgently to “correct” the child.