• 90% of all malt whiskey (and there are about 5 thousand types) is made in Scotland. Every second, 30 people in the world become happy buyers of a bottle of Scotch whiskey. It is whiskey from Scotland that is the most popular on store shelves. Not even an Irish, Canadian or American drink compares to it.
  • They invest in alcohol and receive about 30% of their monthly income. On special trade exchange World Whiskey Index people buy a drink, receive a certificate of ownership and have full rights to resell the bottle. Japan and China are the main users stock exchange
  • Until 1915, it was believed that 2 years was enough for a high-quality malt drink. In 1916, an official law was passed, which stated the minimum aging period for whiskey in wooden barrels – 3 years. During the “dry law” in America, whiskey was the only alcohol allowed for sale, but only as a medicine.
  • The most expensive 80-year-old The Macallan whiskey was estimated at 460 thousand dollars at an auction in New York in 2010. In 2006, a bottle of whiskey produced in 1926 was sold for 54,000. All proceeds from the sale were donated to charity.
  • The most popular countries specializing in the production of whiskey are Scotland, Ireland, America, Japan and Canada. France, although it is considered the birthplace of cognac, is also engaged in the production of whiskey. The name on the bottle label may indicate the country of manufacture. If “whiskey” is Scotland, “whiskey” is another country.
  • At the beginning of the 18th century, the drink used as currency. They were used to pay for services and products. In addition, alcohol participated in the preparation of various dishes and the treatment of the sick. When the authorities began to think about the introduction of heavy taxes on whiskey, the residents of Pennsylvania even had to rebel against it.
  • On the submarines of the British Royal Navy, there is a widespread practice of strict selection of candidates for the rank of officer. Only the best get on board. Those who prematurely weeded out of the selection, get a bottle expensive Scotch whiskey for courage and tenacity.
  • It is believed that the first producers of whiskey were Irish monks. They used malt and pure water to prepare the drink. The first mention of alcohol dates back to 1405, but it is obvious that it was known even earlier. Long since Scotland and Ireland compete for the right to the honorary title of the birthplace of whiskey.
  • Scottish a shot of whiskey is called a dram. In a bar, drem is poured so that only the bottom of the glass is filled. And during gatherings with friends, everyone determines the amount of sleep for themselves. In general, this is a broad concept of measure, which depends entirely on the generosity of the one who treats.
  • Primary the taste of whiskey is enjoyed in tulip-shaped glasses. This shape allows you to capture the special woody aroma of the drink, which was infused in the barrel. Low and massive glasses up to 400 ml with a thick bottom, called tumblers, are also used for tasting.

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