World Day of Computer Graphics (International Day of Designers and Animators)
World Computer Graphics Day or International Day of Designers and Animators (3D Day) is celebrated annually on December 3.
The holiday was started by the American company Alias in 1998. The date of the celebration is chosen in honor of the abbreviation of three-dimensional graphics (3D), the number 3 and D – December (translated from English as “December”). The idea of the holiday was supported by large companies, but initially this day concerned only 3D animators. Now Computer Graphics Day is celebrated much more widely, covering all specialists in this field. Events dedicated to this event last up to ten days (conferences, workshops, online interviews).
By the way, the first company for the production of computer graphics appeared back in 1968 and was called “Evans & Sutherland”, and it was created by Ivan Sutherland – a scientist in the field of computer science. Regarding the first commercial program for 3D modeling, it is called SoftImage 3D.