World Sea Day

World Sea Day attracts the public’s attention to the ecology of the marine environment, the protection of biological resources, the safety of transportation on ships and boats. The date of the event varies by year and country, but is usually held on the last Thursday of September.

World Maritime Day was established by the UN with the assistance of a special division of the IMO (International Maritime Organization) in order to honor the contribution of the maritime industry to the world economy. IMO’s scope of work focuses on areas such as safety, environmental issues, legal issues, technical cooperation, maritime safety and shipping efficiency. The global holiday was first celebrated on March 17, 1978.

Throughout history, people have understood that international regulations, which are followed by many countries around the world, can improve maritime safety. World Maritime Day is celebrated in many countries of the world (Australia, Canada, USA, Ukraine, etc.), maritime organizations and trade unions hold symposia. Educational institutions organize trips to maritime museums.

World Sea Day


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