World Scout Handkerchief Day

On August 1, all active and former scouts of the world celebrate Scout Handkerchief Day. This attribute certifies belonging to a certain organization, serves as its “advertisement” and indicates that a person supports the principles of the movement.

World Scout Handkerchief Day in history

The first scouts appeared at the beginning of August back in 1907, when Robert Baden-Powell started an experimental camp of 20 boys on Brownsea Island in Great Britain. The methods of education and training were so attractive and effective that he decided to publish the book “Scouting for Boys”. It became a guide to action for many teenagers, and soon voluntary youth organizations of scouts began to form around the world.

Interesting facts about the scout movement

  • Chile became the first country where the movement spread, followed by the USA and Canada.
  • During the First World War, the scouts replaced their senior comrades who went to the front at patrol posts.
  • In 1922, the World Scout Organization already had more than a million children and teenagers.
  • A large number of scouts were involved in the underground movement during the Second World War.
  • Starting from the 60s, members of the organization began to take an active part in environmental protection, socialization of people with disabilities, fight against drug addiction, and training of illiterate people in necessary life skills.

The purpose of scouting

The goal of Scout organizations is to create a better world for the present and future of mankind.

World Scout Handkerchief Day
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