World Milk Day
The tradition of celebration World Milk Day was launched in 2001 at the initiative of the Food and Agricultural Organization. The holiday falls on June 1. This day was not chosen by chance. The fact is that in some countries this tradition existed long before 2001. An interesting coincidence – the solemn day in different states fell on the first of June or other days close to this date. Therefore, it was decided not to break the tradition.
The purpose of the event is to popularize dairy products, as well as to inform the population about the activities of enterprises engaged in dairy production. Yes, the dairy sector feeds more than a billion people – workers and their families. About six billion people consume milk and milk products every day.
Celebration traditions World Milk Day
Different countries have their own interesting traditions of celebrating this date. Yes, Norway is holding a large-scale online contest for the best story about milk. The winner receives a cash prize. To celebrate World Milk Day at home, you can prepare a dish that includes milk, for example, cheese casserole.
The introduction of World Plant Milk Day on August 22 was a kind of response to the event. The initiators of the event are trying to draw public attention to the issues of animal cruelty in the dairy industry and its negative impact on the environment.