World Juice Day
In 2010, the IFU International Association, which unites many producers of fruit juices, made a proposal to celebrate World Juice Day. Such countries as Turkey, Spain and Poland were the first to support this initiative. Now many countries celebrate this day, but at different times of the year. In Ukraine, juice day is celebrated on the third Saturday of September.
The purpose of the holiday is to popularize this healthy drink and a healthy lifestyle. An exotic fruit divided into three parts was chosen as a symbol. With this, the authors wanted to symbolize the diversity of all juices in the world.
The first celebration of this day in Ukraine was marked by a kind of record. “Tetra Pak” and “Sandora” companies held a free event on Independence Square. They installed “juice bars” where everyone could enjoy the taste of various “Sandora” and “Sadochok” fruit drinks. Officials recorded that Kyiv residents and guests of the city drank 18,877 glasses during the day, which became a record. Organizers hope that this number will increase every year.
Now on this day, some restaurants, coffee shops and pizzerias hold promotions, when everyone can get a glass or a packet of their favorite juice as a gift for the main order.