Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

What is this event?

Every year on March 26, a special military formation celebrates its professional holiday – National Guard of Ukraine. The composition of this formation includes brigades and regiments of operational assignment and protection of public purposes, regiments of protection of important state objects and other units.

How did the idea to celebrate the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine come about?

On March 18, 2015, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed the Decree on the introduction of the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine. The reason for making such a decision was the enormous importance of this formation in the defense of state borders and the protection of the interests of Ukrainian citizens. This holiday is especially important in light of the military events taking place in the east of Ukraine.

According to the Presidential Decree Day of the National Guard of Ukraine is an official holiday of national importance. Together with the announcement of a new holiday, the celebration of the Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which existed in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma from 1996, was canceled.

The emergence of the National Guard of Ukraine

The first Decree on the formation of the Republican Guard was signed in August 1991. All military units that belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the former Soviet Union and were stationed on the territory of our state came under the control of the Verkhovna Rada. In November, the VRU adopted the law on the creation and regulations of the National Guard of Ukraine. The law was signed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Leonid Makarovych Kravchuk.

According to the signed law, the role of the National Guard of Ukraine was to protect the integrity of the country and guard the state borders. In addition, the formation was entrusted with the task of eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and accidents.

In 1999, according to the Decree of the second President of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, the National Guard took the place of units within other military formations. And later, such an important institution for the Ukrainian state was completely disbanded. All its property, including military equipment, became the property of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Later, during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko, there were attempts to restore the National Guard. However, all efforts to revive the structure were rejected by the head of the committee on national security (at that time Anatolii Hrytsenko held this position). He referred to the fact that the draft law on the restoration of the National Guard of Ukraine is unconstitutional.

The National Guard in today’s conditions

Next attempt to restore National Guard of Ukraine was born in an extremely difficult time for our country. After the escape of the 4th President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, when Russian troops entered Crimea, Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov wrote an appeal to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which spoke about the need to restore this formation. Thus, in March 2014, the draft law on the restoration of the National Guard was adopted. The vast majority of People’s Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted for this draft law.

The law stipulates the maximum permissible number of military personnel who can be part of the National Guard – it is 60,000 people. NSU belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is fully subordinated to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

During the hostilities in eastern Ukraine, about 200 National Guardsmen were killed and more than 800 were seriously injured. Awards for heroism and courage were awarded to 4,000 military personnel, of which 100 National Guardsmen received state awards posthumously.

Day of the National Guard of Ukraine in history

  • 1991
    The first Decree on the formation of the Republican Guard.
  • 1999
    According to the Decree of the second President of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, the National Guard took the place of units within other military formations.
  • 2014
    The draft law on the restoration of the National Guard was adopted.

Frequent Questions and answers on the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

Who should be congratulated on the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine?

This is a significant date for military personnel serving in the National Guard of Ukraine. On this day, they receive greetings from representatives of the authorities, the commander-in-chief, as well as from colleagues, relatives and friends.

What to give on this day?

On the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine, it would be appropriate to give a serviceman an interesting thematic souvenir as a gift. It can be any items stylized on a military theme: house slippers in the form of tanks, 3D lamps in the shape of an airplane, dummy cartridges, camouflage items, etc.

Postcards and Congratulations on the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

Congratulations on the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine!  |  Greeting card - Cards for the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

Congratulations on the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine!  |  Greeting card - Cards for the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

Happy National Guard Day of Ukraine!  |  Greeting card - Cards for the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

👉 Section Postcards and greetings ➕ Postcards in Viber ➕ Postcards in Telegram

“Dear servicemen, we are grateful to you for your loyal and dangerous service in the ranks of the National Guard of Ukraine. We are grateful to you for your enormous contribution to improving state security and protecting our borders. Your participation in improving the defense capability of our country cannot be overestimated. At the same time, we wish you success in all your endeavors and strength in the hard and persistent work of a serviceman.”

“I serve the people of Ukraine”, these words have become a symbol and the main task of your service – dear soldier of the National Guard. May your exploits be forever remembered by your descendants, and your fighting spirit and indomitable spirit aimed at protecting the Motherland ignite your colleagues. Today, the entire Ukrainian people congratulate you on the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine.”

“A military serviceman is a vocation. A vocation to protect one’s people, to serve one’s country despite various difficulties and disagreements. Therefore, today, on this outstanding day, when the whole country celebrates the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine, we wish all military personnel strength, power and health to fulfill their highest duty to their people.”

Facts about the National Guard of Ukraine

  • During the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine, 212 servicemen belonging to the National Guard of Ukraine died. Also, 794 soldiers were seriously injured.
  • On August 31, 2015, during a rally held as a protest against constitutional changes regarding decentralization, a fighter from one of the volunteer battalions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs threw a grenade at the National Guard near the Verkhovna Rada building. Four National Guardsmen died as a result of the explosion.
  • At the time of admission to NSU, each military man receives a chest number badge.
  • The first battalion of volunteers as part of NSU was sworn in on April 5, 2014.

How to celebrate the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine?

Day of the National Guard of Ukraine – all-Ukrainian holiday. On this day, greetings are heard from officials and the President. Military personnel who have significant achievements before the Motherland are awarded with orders, medals, monetary rewards, etc. The celebration takes place in the circle of colleagues and family.

When will we celebrate Day of the National Guard of Ukraine?

Year Date Weekday
2021 March 26 Friday
2022 March 26 Saturday
2023 March 26 Sunday
2024 March 26 Tuesday
2025 March 26 Wednesday

Day of the National Guard of Ukraine


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