World Introvert Day

January 2 is celebrated World Introvert Day. Its celebration was introduced in 2011 in order to spread information that the lifestyle and characteristics of such people are a normal phenomenon. Introverts are deep in their feelings and do not want to share them with others. But this is not a reason for ridicule and condemnation. Also, introverts should not be confused with autistics.

Your maximum productivity introverts show alone, but this does not mean at all that they are not able to work in a team. Such people believe that it is better to express their thoughts on paper than in oral form. Therefore, their messages are always concise, clear and competent.

Also introverts distinguishes observability. In a conversation, they may not utter a word, but they are very good at reading the facial expressions of another person in order to draw a conclusion about his character and the sincerity of his feelings.

At first glance, it seems that introverts are not capable of feeling real and strong emotions. But this is only a superficial impression. They experience all the events in their lives more deeply than extroverts, but they hide everything deep in their souls.

“The power of introverts. Silent people in a world that cannot be silent” by Susan Kane – the main ideas of the book

World Introvert Day
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