When is World Storytelling Day in 2020? That is a good question, but we are almost sure that you are not ready to answer it properly. The matter is that there are a lot of people, who have never heard about this holiday existence.

And this is a real pity in fact, as the day is going to be amazing and the skills of proper storytelling are able to help you much in your life. That is the reason, why we have made a decision to discover the special occasion in details.


Discovering the matter what day National Storytelling Day in 2020 is we would like to tell our followers something really interesting about this direction. As a rule, the questions about the historical background of the event are of great demand.

All in all storytelling is a powerful tool, thanks to which you can bring a message or knowledge. In accordance to the specialists’ points of view, people learned to speak about 100 thousand years ago, which means that we have been telling stories to each other all this time and this is an integral part of human nature and our natural need.

Spiritual teachers, philosophers, poets and writers, orators used their oratory skills to strengthen the effect of their words.

Unfortunately, we haven’t managed to find any facts concerning the establishers of this funny event. We don’t know for sure why we have to hold it on March 20th exactly.

Storytelling Day


What does Storytelling Day mean? – This is a perfect question. However, we are not able to answer it instead of you. Would you like to know why? – The explanation is quite simple in fact. – The matter is that we are not sure whether you are going to celebrate this special occasion at all. We don’t know you personally, know nothing about your life style and can’t say whether this day is important in your life or not.

You see, among the representatives of modern society there are a lot of those, who find this ability to be unimportant one.

However, we would like to mention that you have to be a good storyteller if you want to attract the public. Sincerity and interest are considered to be the main qualities, which are required to produce a proper impression on the listener.

In fact it is incredibly exciting when the storyteller’s eyes are burning with the desire to quickly share something very important. But sincerity is not everything, because not all sincere can be of interest to an outside listener. In addition, no one will know your emotions if you fail to properly open it.

So meet the main components of the fascinating story:

  • an intriguing name;
  • structure;
  • dramaturgy;
  • verbal and non-verbal means of expressiveness.

Having these pieces of information you will be successful in any sphere you like or would love to.


Discussing the question “When is International Storytelling Day 2020?” we would like to introduce our readers a lot of important things.

All in all telling the story, first of all you share: the memory, the experience and the lesson that brought you life. In this way you inspire other people. Storytelling is an opportunity for dialogue with your audience, excluding unidirectional communication, obtrusive advertising and zombification.

Such contemporary science as neurophysiology explains how storytelling affects the brain. History activates areas in the brain that allow the listener to “try” on his/her own ideas and experiences. This happens thanks to a process known as “coupling”, or neural coupling. Mirror neurons, in turn, help to better experience the history and emotions experienced by the speaker.

History is already good in that it pushes us to change. It affects us on four levels – feelings, thoughts, individual actions and behavior in general – and accordingly it requires an emotional response, retains interest, gives energy and leads to action.

Storytelling is primarily the transfer of information. That is why it is recommended to pay attention to that fact that submitting and assimilation of the information are considered to be much easier and more economical in time if it is properly structured.


When is Storytelling Day in 2020, calendar will surely remind you and this is not a serious problem. The date of special occasion celebration is fixed and it is held every year on March 20th. It simultaneously means that you are free to be involved any moment you like or would love to.

As you perhaps understand, this holiday is not official, so we shouldn’t expect any events organized on the state level. But this is not the reason to being upset. With our imagination we can always create something special for yourselves, as well as for all the surrounding.

As a rule, people prefer to have a party the main attraction of which is a telling of an amazing story. Sometimes you can even think about the plot together.

National Storytelling Day Facts

Investigating such question as “What is the date of World Storytelling Day in 2020?” we would like to give our readers some serious recommendations, which are going to make their life easier.

So meet 8 storytelling rules for public speaking:

  • The main thing is the content.

Thinking over the future speech, follow the principle of utility. What new does your target listener or reader learn, what are his/her interests? Also, history should fit into the “information pyramid”: first you make a statement, then reinforce it with arguments, and in the end, summarize.


  • Be brief.

According to average estimates, the story should fit into 5-7 minutes. This is about two printed pages. This volume minimizes the risk of losing the attention of the audience, who tend to be distracted already on the tenth minute of the story.

  • You are easily perceived.

In order to help the audience to understand you, use everyday language and, if possible, give up slang. The conclusion can be philosophical, but the narrative itself is simple and clear. Do not overload the story with scientific and technical terms, dry facts and abstract reflections.

  • Base on living facts.

Dry facts are bad, no facts at all – even worse. A good story is represented by events, supported by data and statistics and it does not go into the jungle of theory. In other words, you need practice. By giving a real example of success, failure or a funny situation, you will surely be able to gain the confidence of the audience.

  • Use the model where the person is in the center of history.

The best story is not built around the product. Make the client a protagonist, and yourself – his/her savior, appearing on time with a magic wand that will help to defeat the “villain”, that is, his/her problems, inconveniences and pains. In fact, you are simply thoughtful about the needs of your target audience, which brings us back to the first item on this list.

  • Speak sincerely.

Emotions are the core of your story. Of course, to tell a good story, you need to have it affect you personally. Then you will have access to the hearts of other people. Remember that the main goal is to touch the viewer, to convey your mood to him/her.

  • Make the final strong.

Having established a trusting relationship with the audience (as far as possible in five minutes), think up a turn that will make it return to what you said, rethink. The final should clarify what you have shared, and help the story to gain a foothold in the mind, “cling.”

  • Intrigue!

For you to be listened to the end, make the story exciting. In this way you will be able to pin the attention of the audience, focused on what the outcome will be.


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